Enduring the Call/Hugging Destiny

I’ve coined a new catch phrase in the last week. “Have you hugged your destiny?” It might sound weird to some. But I think it’s a spark of divine inspiration. Most people have this crazy unscriptural concept that destiny is this some vague thing that’s out there somewhere, but they deep down don’t think they will ever find it. To them it’s equal in their minds to a banshee or Loch Ness Monster. But in truth Destiny is something physical. The word destiny is a noun! Jesus is your destiny, Heaven is the destiny God wants for you, and what he called you to do on this earth is your destiny. About a week ago I had a God moment in my garage. I was praying about a few things and if only for a few moments it was as if I could feel the heart God greatly saddened by the numbers of people that give up on their God given destinies. It was if I could feel the frustration of people for feeling they could never fulfill His purpose and at the same time I could feel God’s heart on the matter. It was as if I kept hearing in my spirit God saying, “Too many, Anna, Too many just give up, and live their lives feeling defeated.” Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” I personally know how difficult it can be to run the race that you know God has called you to do. I know what it’s like to get 10+ years of turndowns. I know what it’s like to have people look at you like your crazy when you try to tell them what you’re doing in life, and I know what it’s like being called to do something that you’ve been told time and time again you couldn’t do. I know what it’s like to appear to not have the finances that you know you need. I know what it’s like to see God dramatically show up on the scene and make it all work. Destiny is a REAL thing. It is obtainable, and through Him you CAN do all things! Miracles do happen! It’s never to late, nor or the mistakes too many. God will and CAN make a way! Trust Him! Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Our lives on this earth are so short. Sure we might whine and complain when it feels as if we’ve been in the same season forever, but we’ll all have to give an account for what we did on this earth. You have to determine in yourself that you won’t quit. Quit whining and move forward. You have to make the connect within yourself that you are moving forward and though your destiny may seem a long time coming you will move forward! You have to make the choice to continue to run the race. You have to come to the place that quitting is never an option. I know that pursuing destiny may not be easy, but it is worth it! So hug your destiny. Refuse to give up. Remember He DOES have awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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