2014: The New, The Now, The Not In-Between


If you have read my blogs for a while now, you know that I take some time off when I travel in the summer and also around the holidays.  This year is no different.  My family and will be having some much needed time with family and friends in the North.  My prayer is that God rejuvenates and speaks to us in the ways of direction as only He can.  We pray that we are used by God to touch those we come in contact.  Usually I write the New Year blog right at the first of the year, but this year will be a little different.  I wanted to write it now, and I hope it is encouraging to many who read it. 

Last year I prophesied that 2013 would be a year what was unseen would become seen.  I certainly saw that happening in various arenas.  From the IRS scandal, to various other controversies what was already being done was brought to the surface.  We saw this happen in our own lives too in several avenues.  Personally we had plans to sell our home for years, but this year it manifested and did so very quickly.  I had wanted to get on TBN for years, and this year it happened.  The things that had been orchestrated under the surface in many arenas were brought to light.

Some months ago I began to pray about 2014 and this phrase, ‘The New, The Now, The Not In-Between” began to echo deep within me.   Transition and change is a part of everyone’s life whether they want to accept that or not.  God brings His children through different seasons.  For Dan and me, we’ve felt we’ve been in a very long transition.  It’s been as if we’ve closed one chapter of our life and while we’ve kind of started the next chapter, we’ve been ready to read on ahead and get to the good parts. (grin)

I believe it will be a year for many of God bringing them into The New, The Now, and not this in-between season place were frustration seems to be looming over your head.

Isaiah 54:12a (NKJ) I will make your pinnacles of rubies

I have spent a lot of time in Isaiah 54 and suddenly last week this scripture jumped out at me.  A pinnacle is a high height.  In some translations this word also is translated as a battlement.  Again something that is high and to be seen.  A ruby is something precious and valuable.  What I believe God is saying here is that he will make those high moments in your life valuable and precious.  This New and Now thing that God is bringing to your life will be very precious to you because He’s bringing us to a place that only He can bring you.  That doesn’t mean everything will be smooth and easy, but it means He’s doing the work in you he promised to you.  Let the New and Now thing be precious to you.  Don’t focus on the years you’ve felt stuck In-between but see what He is doing and thank Him for that.

As we all spend time this season reconnecting to relatives and friends.  Don’t forget to connect to God, so that He can make your pathway clear.  Start this New Year with fresh vision and a new spring in your step.  Allow God to bring you into the New, The Now, and the Not In-Between.  I assure you, He won’t disappoint you!

Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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