Blue! Orange! Blue! Orange!


I purchased Mojo, our cute longhaired mini doxie dog, two ball toys some time ago but just gave them to him this weekend.  If I do buy him a dog toy and scan down the aisle.  My criteria are: that it can’t have a squeaker to drive me bonkers in the middle of the night, and I look for how it will be torn apart.  It’s because of that I typically make toys for him anymore out of worn out jeans. 

Mojo was so beyond excited to get his new toys. He pranced and he played. The balls had come in a two pack and perhaps I should have only given him one at first.  Because his biggest problem was deciding which one he wanted.  He’d take the orange one, and then the blue.  I’d throw one of them and he’d try to fit both of them in his mouth.  I took one in each hand and would give him the one, only to see him change his mind.  He wanted the orange, no the blue, no the orange, no the blue.  This went on and on.  It was like he couldn’t thoroughly enjoy his gift because he wanted them both.

We do the same thing as humans.  We live under the ‘grass is always greener’ mentality.  We think everyone has it better than ourselves and then we wonder why we are so discontent and unhappy in our lives. We think that just because someone’s facebook profile looks cooler than ours, then what is wrong with what we have?  Behind every picture, I don’t care who you are, there is always going to be its own set of issues.  Behind ever façade everyone is walking through or going through something.  Even geographically this time of the year, many think living in a warmer climate is somehow the ultimate.  I assure you that even as I currently live in FL I’d rather be north. I miss the seasons. We all tend to want what we either can’t have or don’t have.

You know you can talk yourself out of your blessing by comparing what you don’t have to what you do. 

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Its okay to want more out of life than what and where you may be now.  That’s what propels you to move forward and not be stagnant.  However you have to be content with where you are.  There is peace, rest, satisfaction, and life fulfillment when you are in the land of being content.  When you are so caught up about how the grass looks everywhere else but in your own yard you are not going to be happy.  You simply can’t enjoy the things that are in front of you.  Enjoy your life.  It is a gift.  Be content in what you have, in the season you are in, and be at peace that God is in control.

God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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