15 Years later, Am I happy?
weekend marks a milestone anniversary date in my life. I met Dan 15 years ago this Friday. I’d traveled 3 hours in the snow to spend a weekend with a different
guy that I was dating. As shocking as
the story is, many of you have heard it.
I met Dan because he was my ex-boyfriends roommate, and that ex at the
time was debatable. It was a real life
version of Rick Springfield’s song, “I wish I had Jesse’s girl.” I
suppose. The how’s all that came about
is kind of a long story that if you haven’t heard, either ask me, or I’ll save
it for another time. It’s one of those
divinely orchestrated “How they met” stories that seems like something straight
out of a sitcom. The picture attached
was taken about a month after we met.
this week I was thinking about this pseudo anniversary date, and a conversation
I’d had with my ex before we ended, was brought to my memory. He’d asked me once if I was happy and my
response then was something that startled him. I pray wherever he is in his
life he’s come to understand it.
I am. I may be frustrated at
circumstances in my life. But I am happy
because Jesus makes me happy.” I realize
that this may sound simplistic to some.
We were just naïve college kids filled with hopes and dreams. We’d been discussing the frustrations of
life. Responding to that question had
really made me think at the time.
Circumstances do not dictate my happiness.
I was reflecting on this conversation, I’d had with him all those years ago I
got to thinking how I would respond to that today. While some circumstances have changed in my
life, others I am still pushing through.
15 years later: I have a husband God designed for me and I love
incredibly, 2 gorgeous daughters who we are endeavoring to raise in the Lord,
and a few people have read my books so that’s awesome. However similarly to where I was 15 years
ago, I can still find myself frustrated that I’m not further professionally, I
still get those turndowns, and I’m still endeavoring to do what I feel God has
placed me to do. I can remember my
grandmother telling me that with life, “Ann it’s always something.” The older I’m getting the more I realize she
was right. No matter how good my life
seems to be there will always be circumstances or something that I may not be thrilled
with. However to answer the question am
I still happy 15 years later. . .yes, I am because Jesus makes me happy.
many people live their lives allowing situations and circumstances to dictate
to them their level of happiness, yet they wonder why they are always so
miserable. While yes situations can
affect happiness if you let it, deep down you have to realize that your
happiness is with God. You’re success in
life is not an outward appearance but an internal thing with God.
4:11-13 11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have
learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to
abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be
hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I
can do all things through Christ[b] who strengthens me.
learned that no matter what happened in his life that God would be with
him. He learned that He could do all
things through Christ who strengthens us.
It didn’t matter if he was going through a trial. He just knew that He was in Christ and that was
someway going to make him the victor in any situation. No matter what you are going through today,
you have a choice. Choose life. Choose Happiness. The pursuit of happiness is already found
through Jesus, you just need to live it.
as Dan and I giggle at the orchestration of our 15th year together
(our 14th wedding anniversary isn’t until March) I’ll remind myself
of all blessings God has given me in life.
While my life may not be perfect, I can without a doubt say, “Yes, I am
God has awesome plans for your life. Get
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