Mojo vs. Rat Poison

Last week while we were in the North, we took our dog Mojo with us.  However when we headed for Canada, for a whole list of reasons, we left our little mini doxie with my parents in Ohio.  My parents love dogs and leaving him with them is a no brainer.  Mojo has fun with them, and I think they enjoy him too.

My parents usually have bigger dogs and haven’t had a puppy or a small dog in their house in years (unless you count the week Mojo stayed there in the summer).  My mom totally forgot that she had rat poisoning behind the bed.  It had been sitting there for years.  In her defense what animal other than a rat would seriously fit or go back there.  I would have forgotten about it too (Mojo only weights 12 lbs).

Mojo found the rat poisoning.  It was an innocent dog thing that could have easily killed him.   I am so grateful that my mom heard him chewing on it.  I am so grateful that she thought of getting him to puke right away, and I am so grateful that though she ended up in a pet ER at midnight 45 minutes away from their house it seems that all was caught early enough that he will be okay.  We have to give him Vitamin K for the rest of the month as a precaution.  He’s doing well.

After I learned of this I couldn’t help fighting with a bit of sadness.  I’m glad he’s okay, but Mojo has become a member of our family.  We looked so hard to find the right dog for us, that I can’t imagine anything happening to him.  When we got him it felt as if he was a divine gift to all of us.  Call me a sappy pet parent, but he’s our buddy.

As I contemplated all of this I began to think about how many of us have things in our lives, “our homes per se” that we forget about, and has the potential to poison and kill the gifts or plans God has given us.  Think about it for a moment, and it’s not even a stretch.  How many of us have past hurts and regrets and we won’t do the things God told us to do because of the old voices echoing in our minds.  How many of us have poisoned our own destinies with our own fears and doubts. 

In the Jewish tradition they have a day were they go throughout the house cleaning it and searching for anything with yeast in it.  This is part of Passover. 

I believe we need to do this in our own lives regularly.  I’m not talking about cleaning out your house (I mean yes, do that too) but I’m talking about your house.  Your body is a temple of the Lord’s.  (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  Don’t let anything that could poison what God wants to bless you with to stay.  Don’t let anything poison your destiny.  Seek out those things and deal with them before they cause harm to your future.  What past baggage you have in your past doesn’t have to come with you for your future.

God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.



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