My Thoughts on the Immigration Invasion
If you have
followed my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that most of the time you’ll
receive teaching blogs as encouragement and sometimes humor. But once in a while I tend to jump into the
puddles of current events and issues in America. I feel that people need to be outspoken in
their faith and beliefs as to how they relate to this nation. Unfortunately is the failure to speak up is
what has wounded the foundation of what I believe has made this country great. So in saying all of that I am going to dance
in the rain of a current hot topic for today’s blog. While I respect both sides of this issue, I
do have a strong opinion regarding it.
Growing up in
a small Mid-West American town, I had no idea what it took to come to this
country as an immigrant. I had no idea
of the hurdles people had to jump through in order to become a citizen. That was until I met and married my
husband. My husband’s family emigrated from
Italy to Canada in the 50’s. Dan was
born in Canada, and came to America on a school visa. Then about 18 months later he met me. Most people in America have a misguided
notion because of films like “Green Card” that just because you marry an
American you become a citizen. Right
after during WW2 that was the case, but today that’s an antiquated notion. We had hoops we had to jump through. He had to essentially ‘start over’ in the
process when he married me. It’s a long
story but we had to bump up our wedding 3 months because we wanted to have a
large Italian reception in Canada for his side and we couldn’t get married in
the US and leave the country until some paperwork was filed. So I had one wedding with a small reception,
and a larger reception three months later in Canada. Three days after my wedding I was sitting in
an office having paperwork filed out.
When we moved across the country we had to refile paperwork again. We used to joke that it was kind of like
parole. I once sat in an immigration
office 4 months pregnant for a whole day with one working bathroom, waiting in line
to ask a question only to be mocked by an immigration officer for not marrying
an American. For several years when the
immigration office called we jumped, filed and paid money for new paperwork,
got sets of fingerprints, went to interviews, studied and took a test, and
waited in more lines. After September 11,
it did become a tad easier because at least then we could call on the phone,
wait about an hour on hold and talk to a person to ask a question. While I never wanted to push Dan to get his
citizenship he gladly did. He became a
citizen in June of 2006. It was a long
ordeal, and we’re both very glad that all is now well.
Since my own
personal experience, I did think often in the process that gratefully Dan and I
were educated people, who were able to jump through government hoops. We had access to computers and phones to
make appointments, and often miraculously the money appeared from some source
or another when we needed it to file more forms. I understand we had a lot of favor in this
area where I’ve heard various horror stories.
What is
happening at the border right now is not immigration. It’s an invasion of the nation. I 100% support immigration in our country. I get there are hoops that one needs to jump
through. But in my mind don’t we want
people who come to our nation be respectful of our laws? Don’t we want to open our borders to people
who understand they need to obey the laws of the land? Do we want to give free
passes to people who can’t obey our laws?
Jesus instructed people to obey the laws of the land (Romans 13:1-7) Just giving people a free pass just
encourages people they never have to obey our laws. I believe it’ll create a legacy of people who
think living off the government and handouts is the answer in life. It creates dependent people, and most likely
generations of people who believe that the government is their sugar daddy.
So the argument
here is the issue about the children. It
is horrible that these kids are coming alone and unattended. There are no easy answers here. I can understand parents wanting to send
these children for a better life but what is the solution? Matt 7:12 is the Golden rule. Where we are told to ‘Do unto others as we
would have done to us’. I believe in
giving these kids humanitarian aid. We
can sit troops on the border and offer a hot meal, offer a blanket and a change
of clothing, but just giving them some obscure court date so they come in
illegally in the country and melt into society isn’t the answer. We can’t open our borders up to illegal
activity. These children are being exploited, and it’s a travesty that many are
most likely becoming part of the sex trafficking industry. Many of these kids aren’t sweet and innocent,
but part of violent gangs. While I want
to reach the child and give them the love of Jesus, we don’t need to invite
more violence and crimes on our streets to do so. There has to be a better answer. I don’t believe spending billions of dollars
in housing is the answer. It’s no secret
I’m not a fan of the current administration, but no matter how you slice this
issue it is a sticky difficult one.
While I may
not have all the answers I bring all this up to encourage you all to pray for
these kids, pray for America, and pray for the leaders of this country. I may not always like/agree/want to be civil
towards certain leaders but I do believe anyone in authority needs wisdom from
God. We do need to pray for them. (1 Tim
2:2) We do need to cry out that God
would heal America, and get us back to where the forefathers intended. Don’t just see tragedy on the news and do
nothing. There is a world around us who
need a touch from Jesus. Let us open our
eyes to see it.
Remember God
has awesome plans for your life. Get
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