The Words I Would Say
Five years
ago, when I first heard the song “The Words I Would Say” by the Sidewalk
Prophets it was about the time my dear late Pastor (Pastor Arthur) moved in
with Jesus. Here’s the link if you’ve never heard the song
Every time I hear it, I hear it as if he was
giving me the same advice as in the song.
I was
thinking about this lately, and thinking about some of the large decisions that
Dan and I have made both now and in our past. I gave my life to the Lord when I was in the 3rd
grade. That was 27 years ago. God called me in ministry when I was in the 7th
grade which was 23 years ago. I think
that warrants me to have been around the things of God for a bit, and having
said that learned some lessons along the way.
I haven’t arrived, but learned a bit. I wanted to add some of my own points.
When God tells you to do something,
just do it. Don’t overanalyze it. When I think I’m getting something from the
Lord I always respond to him, “If I know that I know that this is you God, then
I’ll do it. But I need to know for sure.” Always have I gotten to this point God has
found some way to confirm what I knew He was saying. The problem with this is the second part of
this….it’s the THEN, I’ll do it. People
get lost in this transition. They over
think it, it freaks them out, and they procrastinate on the doing it part. Then they are frustrated at God because they
aren’t seeing all the things God promised them.
Well, it goes both ways. You need
to do what God tells you to do. Faith
without words is absolutely dead! (James 2:26)
When you are stepping into God’s path
for your life, there will always be opposition.
Many get shocked by this, but really it should come as no surprise. The devil NEVER plays fair. Opposition often comes in various forms. It can be circumstances. It can be situations that will make you
cry. It can be in the negativity of people
you dearly love. Don’t let it get in your head. You have to set your face like
flint. (Isaiah 50:7) Once you know that you know what God has
said, you can’t let these things shake you.
I have seen similar situations time and time again. The proof is in the pudding. You keep doing what God has said, and
eventually circumstances settle.
When God tells you to do something,
You have to step out in FAITH! If some of the steps you make in life don’t scare you because you
know it’s bigger than you then I you’ve ever walked in faith. God often calls people to do something bigger
than them. That way you know it’s
him. That way the world knows it was God
through you that accomplished the work.
Dan and I have seen this happen time and time again. We’ve seen where things looked impossible in
the physical, but knew what God had said.
Often it wasn’t until we stepped out that we saw anything begin to
manifest. Are those steps scary to your
flesh? Absolutely! But it’s in those times that we have grown
the most. So many people want these
amazing miracle stories, but they aren’t willing to step out in the small
steps. You have to learn to walk before
you learn to run!
Don’t take everything so seriously.
God has an awesome sense of humor (Psalms 28:7), and as Pastor Arthur
used to say, “He doesn’t want you going around like you’ve been weaned on a
dill pickle.” Remember to enjoy
live. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Life is a gift.
God is more concerned about your end
result than your immediate comfort. Which means you’ll
go through some uncomfortable seasons. God
sees the bigger picture and you have to trust that. I’m not saying God brings on sickness, poverty
and lack. I can scripturally prove that
train of thought, but what I am saying is that maturity in the Kingdom of God
doesn’t mean you’ll always skip in a garden with theme music playing in the
background. I believe that many have
missed their destinies on the earth because they didn’t expect the process to
be so hard. They didn’t realize ministry
is often spelled W-O-R-K! The Bible is
clear that if you don’t work you don’t eat (2 Thess 3:10) God isn’t your sugar daddy. You have to be willing to do your part.
Really, it’s not all about you! We often in world get so caught up in
what God is saying or doing in our lives that we forget there is a lost and
dying world out there. My desire to get a
book deal with movie rights (grin) can’t just be for my own gain, but the fact
that God wants to use me to minister too many.
God needs the gospel to reach every corner of the world. I have a job to do and everyone has to do
their part. One person cannot reach the
same people another was uniquely fashioned to reach. You have to do your job and stop thinking the
world revolves around you.
You have to learn to Trust God!
You must train your mind to keep it focused on the Word and what God has
said. Renew your mind. (Romans 12:2)
I have often said that your mind is like training a wild animal. Lasso that bucking horse with a rope and keep
pulling it back when it wants to go into the depression self-pity trap. You cannot let it go to the places of “What
if?” It’ll drive you bonkers. Find what the word of God says about your
situation and fix your eyes on God!
I am sure
that these seven points are not an exhaustive list, but it’s what God has given
me for this moment. I hope they are a
blessing to you. Trust that God has a
bigger picture for your life. We love
you all.
God has
awesome plans for your life. Get
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