A Supernatural Touch from God

            I have a confession to make.  I had been struggling emotionally in the last few weeks.  I could give myself a dozen scriptures for every negative attitude I was having.  I was trying to preach myself back to a place of hope and faith, but I just couldn’t seem to get my head up.  I confessed my downward spiral to a few people.  We always need people in our lives that can speak into them like few can, but I was still struggling.  I knew I needed to renew my mind.  My family and I have been through a lot in the last few months.  Certain situations haven’t turned out yet the way we’ve expected them to, but some things have worked out.  Yada yada yada, God is faithful, but sometimes when expectations are not met the way we think they should be we all have a tendency to have a moment.  I hadn’t been in such a low place for a lot of years.  I know I’m being crazy transparent here.  But we’ve all gone through these moments in our lives.  Maybe by me being so real, it’ll help someone who is struggling realize that they aren’t alone and that God is faithful no matter what situations may appear.  I know God’s on the other side of this.  I know God is able.
            A pastor friend of mine invited me to a special church service on Friday, and while in Praise & Worship I had a supernatural encounter.  I don’t need to get into details with what happened, but what God spoke deep on the inside of me was exactly what I needed to break me out of this rut I’d been in.  It was a moment with God.  God knew what was going on, and I am so glad to say that I’m doing much better now. 
            So many people live under the delusion that God doesn’t speak to people, or know/care what is going on in people’s lives.  So many people live under the delusion that God isn’t a personal God.  But, I can assure you HE is.  He cares about your every thought.  He cares about what you are walking through.  He loves you so much he even knows how many hairs are on your head (Luke 12:7).  He’s been there as you’ve cried.  He will NEVER leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).


John 10:27 (NIV) 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

God’s voice may not be an audible thing all the time, but he SPEAKS to HIS people. Sometimes it could be in a song, in nature, and most importantly in HIS word.  He knows how to speak to you in such a way that you need at every moment.  He knows how to break us out of our wrong thinking.  He knows!  I’m thanking God that He spoke to me in a moment I needed to hear.  One touch from God, is worth more than anything.  He speaks to you too.  All you have to do is ask, be open to hear, search Him out. . . He wants to speak to you!
God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

***I will be taking the week off.   My kids are starting virtual school this week, and we may be going somewhere for Labor day, so I’m going to take some time off. . . and also give me some extra time with the Lord this week.  So I love y’all, I’ll be back with a gusto next week!   


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