No Regrets, Moving Forward
A few days ago a dear friend of mine
sent me an email because she knew someone who thought they saw me in Florida
last weekend and she wanted to know if we were returning to FL. Obviously it was a misunderstanding. Jokingly but true, I do have a doppelganger
who my sister has once met and I’ve ran into several who have known her over
the years. Her name is Annie and I’ve
been joking that’s who was in FL last weekend.
Funny mishap as it may be, the whole
thing got me thinking if I would ever return to Florida. Even though it feels we have had a bit of a
slow and bumpy start in Ohio, things are moving forward. We know this is where God wants us to be at
this time in our lives. We’re members
now at our church. I’m enjoying living
in a land with little to no humidity. My
skin and hair are thanking me for it. We
look forward to eventually move closer to the church, but we have no
regrets. The only way I’d move back to
FL is if God told us too, and honestly I don’t see that happening. I have no regrets for living in FL for 13.5
years. It was where God wanted us for
that season.
Too many people live their lives in
the land of regrets. It is like they are
walking backwards, and wondering why they can never seem to get past the
choices they’ve made in life. They are
trying to move forward but keep looking back.
When Lot and his wife were fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:26)
they were told not to look back. Lot’s
wife did and she was turned into a pillar of salt. For years
I questioned God on this. Symbolically salt
in the Bible tends to be a good thing.
However some years ago God finally revealed to me what this
symbolized. In order for Lot’s wife to
get turned into a pillar of salt the “water” had to leave her. Water in the Bible is often a symbol of the
Holy Spirit. Continuing to look back
will only sap you of the revelation of the Holy Spirit. To move forward you need to be saturated in
the presence of God. Too much ‘salt’
makes any dish disgusting.
My husband and I made a choice a
long time ago that we were going to live our lives in such a way that we had no
regrets. For the most part I can say I’ve
done this. Opposed to many people I’ve met;
my regrets are few and far between. They
are in my past and I’ve chosen to live my life forward. You can’t be like Lot’s wife, and think you’re
going to move forward. Though time may
continue keeping your mind on what “should have been, could have been, or what you
think ought to have been” will keep you in bondage to your past. Make the decision to turn around today. Make the decision to press on to your future,
and leave your past behind. It’s okay to
have fond memories, but in order to enjoy your life your eyes must be facing
forward. Let your eyes be fixed on Jesus
today. Let your eyes continue to be
forward as you run your race.
Remember God has awesome plans for
your life. Get excited.
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