Being Followed By A Stranger

            I’m turning today’s blog into a bit of a PSA for listening to the Holy Spirit.  Do you know that the Holy Spirit is awesome?  He is a friend, and he will let you know when something isn’t right.  You have to learn to listen to those feelings.
            As I mentioned before that last week Dan and I were in Indy, and I was going all over the city.  One morning I went to downtown and I walked around the area.  I was taking a picture of one of the monuments and I noticed a couple different people that were a bit odd looking.  Perhaps they were homeless, maybe they were just released from a mental institution, and maybe they weren’t, but something didn’t seem right about these people.  There was one in particular that seemed to stand out.  I realize that many would argue with me here.  Maybe I should have offered some kind of assistance to them, or shown compassion.  I believe in helping people, however I also believe in being led by the Holy Spirit to do so.  Something didn’t register well with me in the situation.  So I quickly walked by.  As I found myself walking back to my car that was a good block away and on the other side of the street, I took a couple more pictures of the city.  But something inside of me made me feel as if I needed to hurry up and get to my car.  It wasn’t until I got to my car and opened the door did I realize that one of these off looking men had followed me across the street and was about 10 feet from me.  I have no doubt he was intentionally following me.  I also have no doubt that uneasy feeling that I felt on the inside was the Holy Spirit telling me to rush.  I don’t know what would have happened had he got to me.  He didn’t. 
            In the simplest of terms, if you don’t feel right about something don’t do it.   The Holy Spirit is God’s breath on the earth.  The Holy Spirit is taking care of you, and you have to learn to listen.  In Luke 24:49 Jesus is referring to  the disciples getting the Holy Spirit and He equates this with ‘Power from on High’.  You have to learn to listen to those gut reactions.  You have to learn to stay sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying.  Often throughout the scriptures the Holy Spirit is referred to as a comforter or a friend.  It never ceases to amaze me when I talk to Christians and they don’t even have an understanding as to who the Holy Spirit is.   He needs to be your friend.  You need to know that you can trust what and where He is leading.  Please dear readers, I pray you get to know who the Holy Spirit is.  If you don’t think you know, then ask God to reveal Himself to you.  Ask Him to show you.  He wants to be your friend. 

            Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.


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