Your Daddy Didn't Raise a Wimp...Stand Your Ground!

Last year I ended a business relationship with an individual.  It was a hard choice initially to make, but the easiest explanation I can give is that the spiritual fruit in his life was rotten. I could no longer be caught up in his lies. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  As much as I know without a doubt the partnership needed to end, I still have issues of fear whenever I hear from him. He manipulates and I’ve often joked that I’ve suffered from PTSD at the result of this relationship. Perhaps I need to stop speaking that because there is power in words.  I know this kind of control is NOT from God.  I’m working on overcoming all of this.
There was a volcanic eruption last week as a result of tremors from this business relationship, and I was barraged with unsubstantial threats and false allegations against me.  I knew his claims had no merit. I know God is bigger than whatever man throws at me.  I know that I’ve been righteous through this matter.  However having to deal with him sent me into a bit of a panic attack.  I started to shake and cry, and I was embarrassed at myself for going into such a place. 
Many of you have heard me talk about my father.  He was a grunt soldier in Vietnam, and has lived through an amazing about of circumstances.  When I talked to him about all of this, his response hit me.  He said, “Ann, I didn’t raise a wimp.  Stand your ground!”  While there was more to his response verbatim that was what he responded. 
The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was so right.  My earthly father didn’t raise me to be a wimp, and neither did my Heavenly father.  This fear wasn’t coming from God, and I was letting it get to me.  Dan and I ended up taking it all to prayer.  I know God has this situation in His hands. 

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7).
It was my choice whether I allowed these attacks to get to me.  God already has victory over anything the devil can throw my way.  The same is true for you.  God hasn’t given you the spirit of fear.  Your Heavenly father did not raise a wimp.  Do not allow the enemy to rear his ugly head and manipulate you.  Stand your ground and stand strong!  You are going to watch how God turns your situation around.  You are not a victim.  You are an overcomer!

God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.


  1. A good word strong and stand your ground

  2. So glad it ministered to you. I always love to hear it when people are blessed by reading these. Super Smiles!


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