Divine Moments at the Museum

I wanted to take a moment in today’s blog to again reiterate how much I love the Holy Spirit.  When we were in Indy, I was to have one more day while Dan was working.  I honestly had no idea where I should go.  I’d done what I wanted to do, and was just being indecisive about what else to do.  I couldn’t, nor did I want to, stay in the hotel the rest of that last day.  Early that last morning as I was waking up I felt as if the Holy Spirit hit me upside the head and dropped into my spirit that I needed to go to this Scottish Cathedral downtown. 
I was sure there had to be some divine reason for me to go to this Cathedral.  Maybe I’d get to talk with some old school Scottish priest, or maybe have a divine moment of speaking into someone’s life, but for whatever the reason I just knew I had to go there. 
However when I got there, the doors were locked.  Have you have done that?  Been so pumped because you were sure you had to go somewhere and then there was no way you could actually get there….so I figured since the doors were locked I’d look around the area and try again.  When I came back about an hour later the doors were still locked.  But when I was on my walk I happened to see the World War Museum and decided that I’d love to investigate it. 
I thoroughly love, enjoyed, was moved to tears in the World War Museum in downtown Indy.  If you’ve been reading my blogs for any length of time or know me personally you’ll know I have a soft spot for the military. The picture above is on the door going into the museum.  In fact I’m really glad there weren’t a lot of people inside the building because at one turn in the museum I had a God moment.  I felt as if an idea for a future manuscript was literally dropped on my shoulders.  I could see the scenes play out in my head.  I found myself sitting in the middle of a fake trench exhibit from World War I in tears.  I realized the Holy Spirit impressing on me to go to the cathedral wasn’t about me literally going to the cathedral, but it was about me going downtown and going to the World War Museum.  That was the God encounter I was seeking.
How often do we all do this?  That we get so convinced of what and why we think God is doing something that we will often miss what He is actually doing.  God telling me to visit the Cathedral was just a way to get me downtown.  Sure I really enjoyed seeing the big building and I do have a funny blog coming up next week about it, but the goal was the museum.  We always have to stay sensitive and movable to where and what God is doing.  We always need to learn to go with the flow. 
So many people look for the big booming voice of God before they will ever move on what they feel God has said.  But in all the years I’ve been following God I’ve learned that for the most part He speaks with a still small voice.
1Kings 19:11-12 11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”
I pray today that you learn to hear God in the still small voice.  I pray that you learn to be sensitive to His leading, and to go where He leads….not necessarily where you think He leads.

            Remember God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited.


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