Get Ready for Your Finest Hour

            It’s been a challenging season for many in this time, me included.  The more people I’ve talked to the more people I see that have been going through stuff.   Many seem as if they have been worn down with opposition. There has been such major shifting and moving in the body that it has been a challenge.  In my own walk, my family and I have faced relocating across the country, new church, new job, new circumstances, somethings have gone the way I planned and some have not. 
            Last night I as I was getting ready to go to bed I heard the Lord say, “Many believers are being poised and positioned for their finest hour.”  As I thought about this, I sat back and realized that if God is preparing us for our finest hour on the earth, then He is about to show up and show off in many situations.  God loves to show up and show off.  It makes Him giddy and excited!
            It can be easy to be discouraged if you look at the circumstances.  Bills can yell loud, our masses turning from God can seem to screech into your ears,  and if you dwell on it those aches and pains in your body and in your mind can keep you up at night.  But God has a better way.  He has a bigger plan. 
            If you will just take a moment to look past the noise, you will see that God is up to something.  He is poising His church for their and His finest hour.  He is readying His people to Shine for His glory.  As hard and challenging as it is to walk through what may feel as darkness, let your light shine for Him.  He has set His way before you.  Walk in It!  Trust Him.  Don’t quit.  Don’t fear!  But keep your lamp trimmed and burning, for your finest hour is near. 
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

            God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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