Mud Ninja Part 2; How do you eat an elephant?

            “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time,” is an old proverb.   I am NOT talking about physically eating an elephant. I’ve often quoted it in regards to writing a book.  Many people ask me how one writes a manuscript, and I tell them its one bite at a time.  It is one word written at a time and one chapter at a time.  Most people see the whole project as something so big that it overwhelms them and they never write it.  Their sheer size of the project weighs on them.  They mentally talk themselves out of the process because they are looking so much at the whole picture. 
            One of the life lessons I was reminded up while on my Mud Ninja journey that I had forgotten to mention in my last blog was connected to this.  I mentioned the obstacle the “Widow Maker” before, but it was here I was reminded yet again how important it is not to get overwhelmed by the vastness of what is before us.  This obstacle I would say was a 1-1.5 story incline where they did leave the runners a rope to help their assent.  The problem is that rope and the incline were so muddy getting any kind of traction seemed impossible. One wrong step and you were eating dirt, literally.  The more I looked up at this incline with a knee that was throbbing, the more I did not think I could make it.  The thought of quitting was looking very good, however it was so back into the woods that even if I would have chosen to quit I don’t think I could have gotten out of the course.  The cliff loomed above me.  On the top it appeared that there was some kind of plateau because I could hear the band playing.  I felt truly overwhelmed by the circumstances, hearing the band begin to play “Eye of the Tiger”, the 80’s Rocky generation flashbacks began.  One step at a time, I stopped looking upwards to see how far ahead it was, but focused on one step at a time.  Crying, gasping, and clawing my way to the top as if it was by my fingernails I eventually got there.  Throughout the journey I would face more inclines that seemed impossible, but my lesson had been learned.  I kept my head down, and took one step at a time.
            May we all remember this as we face whatever is before us today.  Fix your eyes upon Jesus, and not the obstacle.  One step at a time races are finished.  One page at a time books are completed, and one day at a time life is lived.  The Bible reiterates a very similar statement.

Matt 6:34 34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Philippians 3:14 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Quite simply take it one day at a time, one step at a time.  Commit your ways to God and He will take care of you.  He didn’t call you to do something to watch you fail.  He has empowered you.  Push forward!
God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!

***BTW thank you for your prayers.  My knee is getting better.  I’m using the cane less and less.  I’m definitely on the mend.


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