Are there bricks in your backpack?

Sometime ago I was going through a season where I was incredibly frustrated. Things weren’t going how I’d planed, and I kept telling the Lord, “I just can’t do this. I just can’t do this.” As a result I had a dream where I was back in my hometown and I was across from the mall. I was going to walk to my mom and dad’s house which would be quite the walk. It’s about a 10-15 minute car ride. As I was going to start walking I put a pile of bricks in my backpack, and started on my journey. I remember thinking in the dream why would I put bricks in my backpack. That’s making an already long journey even harder. That’s when I felt the Lord reveal to me that by my negative words and attitudes I was putting bricks in my “spiritual backpack” making it harder for me to get anywhere.

For years I’d known that God wanted me to write my first book and I spent years frustrated about it. I kept saying, “I can’t do it.” A few months after Dan and I first came to Freedom, one of the pastors then began to preach on the power of your words. I had never heard of the concept up until that moment. But as she began to preach she began to feel that there were some in the congregation that night that had been speaking out against the very call they’d known God had for them. She was saying the very words that these people had been saying were causing detriment to the very plans of God and the frustrations they were having were because of their words. She began to call forth for ones to repent. I knew that I was one of those people. I went down to the alter and repented. In the car God dropped in my spirit how to start that book, and within two months I had a first draft written.

We have to realize that our own negative words can hinder us. Our own negativity can cause a rift between us and God‘s plan. Contrary to what people sometimes think God does not go against your own will. You can never fulfill what He called you to do on the earth until you yield your will to Him. He does not force Himself on people. He wants people to accept his plans and purposes and just trust Him.
Words are so important. God formed the world by His words. In Genesis 1 it says that God spoke and it was.

Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Meaning? You’re words are like seeds. You’re going to plant either seeds that bring life to the things God called you to do, or bring death. You’re going to harvest either crop by the seeds that are planted. You can choose to speak life over what God is telling you to do, or choose to speak death. When I had that dream with the bricks in my backpack I was telling God I couldn’t do something He told me I could. My words were weighing me down, and making me slowly want to give up.

Psalm 37:30 says, “The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just.” I could list scripture after scripture about the Bible speaking on taming your tongue and watching your speech. I encourage you to open your Bible and begin to do a study on this. There are so many scriptures on this!!!

So what am I saying to all of you today? I’m tell you to watch your words. I’m not telling you to get so religious that you need to be the word police and if anything bad comes out of your mouth to go say 12 praise Jesus’. No, But what I am saying is spend some time reflecting today what is coming out of your mouth. Are you’re words glorifying what God is doing, or are you put bricks in your spiritual backpack. This is a lesson I’ve had to come back to on numerous occasions. I have not arrived in revelation, but I’m learning. When your speech lines up with what God has said, you can get a whole lot more accomplished. Maybe instead of you walking with bricks in your backpack, He can carry you to where you need to go.


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