Get rid of the Eeyore Mentality!

An old friend of mine used to have a saying, “Life sucks then you die.” If he’s reading this I hope he knows how much I love him and I pray for him. But that kind of attitude is not how God wants you to live. The character of Eeyore in the Winnie the Pooh series is another good example of a negative character. He was always moping around as if he was convinced if it rained it was only on him. The world was out to get him, and ‘no matter’ it was all gray anyway.

It can get very easy to get wrapped up in that kind of negativity. In fact Elijah did out in the wilderness. He was all alone and kinda got the “I’m all out in left field and every one left me syndrome.” But as a child of God you must realize that God has a abundant joy for you, and wallowing in your own self-pity will get you no where.

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Have you ever wondered why you don’t feel strong, and your tired all the time. Perhaps could it be your attitude. To quote Pastor Greg Squires of Freedom Life Church, “Attitude will determine your altitude.” Bad attitudes are like weights that hold you down and won’t let you fly into the things of God.

Psalm 68:3 says, “But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, “Be joyful always;”

Some years back I will never forget a confrontation I had with my husband. I had gotten another turndown I was ticked off. He listened to me cry and then promptly got up and said, “I love you but I need to go for a few minutes. All you want to do is have a pity party for yourself and I’m not about to listen to it.” He promptly walked away and watched TV on the couch. When he said that to me I realized he was right. I was having a ‘pity party’ I’d gone into the woe is me attitude and I was dragging him down. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to comfort ones who have are having a pity party but for me in that moment I needed Dan to say, “I love you but I’m not listening to you.” Have you ever heard the phrase “misery loves company?” It’s not Biblical but it’s true. Sometimes if you’ve found yourself being dragged down with your attitude you have to take a look around those you’re around often. Are the people you’re around negative people? Maybe you need to readjust your friendships a bit. Or be on your guard from negativity when you are around certain individuals.

Certainly you can find at least five things that make you happy. Certainly you can find at least one that makes you smile. In the times where you want to yield over to act like Eeyore or you feel that you’re that character from peanuts that only you the storm cloud is following you can bring up that one thing that makes you happy. Maybe you can even find a couple scriptures, write them on note cards and meditating on them over and over. Your mind is pretty singular. When it’s focused on one thing and can’t focus on another. Now you might have a much of random thoughts but to be focus on something means that it’s singular. It has one focus. One clear vision.

Remember today that God loves you. He will never leave you or forsake you (Deut 31:16). He is not up there trying to have it rain on you. His thoughts and plans for you are good (Jer 29:11). He is up there cheering you on, and wants you to succeed (Joshua 1:5-10)! You might be in a nasty season, but the good things about seasons is that they are just that a season, and they will end. Eventually you won’t always be where you are right now. So cast your cares on Him. Because He loves you!


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