Big Money. No Whammies. . . . and Stop!!!

When I was a kid there was a game show on called “Press Your Luck”. In this game show I remember that there were several squares that lit up around the board and wherever it was lit, when the contestant hit the stop button was what you got. Which usually ended up being money or a prize unless it was the character called a ‘Whammy’. When a person got a whammy this animated figure would come and take all your winnings away.

Many people today treat faith like they do luck. But I assure you there is a big difference. The definition of luck is good fortune: success that seems to happen by chance. The definition of faith according to Hebrews 11:1 say, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Faith is not luck or good fortune. It is being sure of what God has said. It is knowing that despite the circumstances around you that God is truly God and no one can talk you out of it.

In Matthew 14:22-33 there is the story of Jesus walking on the water. All the disciples in the boat start getting all freaked out because they think Jesus is a ghost. So Peter in typical Peter fashion speaks up (probably before he thought about it). He says to Jesus “if it’s really you then have me come out on the water.” Notice he’s the only one in the boat that has enough nerve to get out of the boat. Jesus responds to him with a simple, “Come.” He didn’t say that only Peter should come. But yet he’s the only one that does. So Peter steps out of the boat and walks to Jesus. It isn’t until he looks around and realizes what he’s doing and thinks about it, and sees the wind, does he start to freak out. When he takes his eyes off Jesus and onto the wind is when he begins to sink. Of course the rest of the story is that Jesus doesn’t let him drown and picks him out of the sea.

Many people approach faith like luck. It’s like they start to step out of the boat and close one eye, cross their fingers and try to think happy thoughts. Their almost expecting to see a “whammy” to come through and hit them on the head. That isn’t faith people.

One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” If you want to please God with your life. If you want to make your life count then you must stop wishing, and hoping that what you believe is true. You must step out in FAITH, and know it is. It’s time to rise up and be the sons and daughters of the Most High. It’s time to be all He’s called you to be.

I went out to Pastor Arthur’s grave yesterday. After spending some time there I got to thinking. I remember a poem somewhere about making the dash count. That the dates on your tomb are just the beginning and ending on this earth and making your dash count for the kingdom of God. It’s time people to rise up in FAITH. Step out of the boat, and make your life count. It’s not ‘pressing you luck’ to make it count, but it’s living a triumphant lifestyle of faith.



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