Are you playing Tug-o-War with God?

I have always been a very determined individual. I’ll confess at times I’m even down right stubborn. I remember one particular instance when I was in the third grade. My dad, who at the time was so strong I remember him doing curls with his biceps while I sat on his hand, was playing with the dog with a belt. I honestly don’t remember at the time what started the fight, but somehow I had gotten on the other end of that belt and we were playing tug-o-war back and forth. Dad wanted me to let it go. I wasn’t going to yield. This went back a forth a few minutes and to get me to let it go. He twisted his arm to pull the belt around. Most kids would have let go at this point, but not me. I held onto that belt, and what resulted was me breaking my wrist. For years my dad felt bad for that, but it wasn’t my dad’s fault. It was me for not letting go when I should have.

Often times, myself included, we do the exact thing to God. He is trying to get us to let go of certain things in our lives and we hold on. We fight to keep what we think we need with everything in us, and truthfully God is probably seeing us down the road hurting because we didn’t let it go when it was time. He’s trying to push us forward and instead of following where he leads we’re fighting back. We’re playing tug-o-war with Him, when really we should be allowing for Him to lead us.

John 10:4 says, “And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.”

Are we following him today, or fighting against Him? I spent years saying I couldn’t do the very things I knew God called me to. I spent years striving to hold onto things in life I thought I needed. But I had to finally let go, and let God do what He had to do in me.

Jeremiah 1:5 says,“ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” God has so many things He wants to accomplish in your life. He knows all the giftings and abilities He’s put inside of you. It is for such a distinct purpose He has for you. But if you keep playing Tug-o-War with him, how are you ever going to allow Him to lead you there.

Quit fighting with Him. Let go, and let Him do what He has to do in you. I’m not going to go about saying I’m perfect in this area. There are days I still want to pick that belt up and begin my battle again. But deep down I remember it’s not pretty if I keep trying to do it myself. God is crying out to you today to allow Him to lead your live. Being a yielded vessel can be scary at times, but you have to trust the One leading you. Do you really trust Him today, or are you just saying you do?

Psalm 18:30 says, “As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.”

Trust in Him today. For He loves you, and He knows what is best for you!


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