It's worth it!

When I first started to try to get published, I remember the night that I got my first turndown. I had gotten two in the same night. I was a crying wreck. Dan did his best to console me. I had never planned on the turndowns. I just figured that when you were doing what God called you to do it would work, and it would be easy. My naiveté makes me laugh now. I remember Dan’s words though. He said to me that one day I’ll be able to appreciate it so much more because of all I had to do in order to get to the place God had for me. Going through the process is hard. However, I believe that it will all be worth it! God called you to be in that place, and the struggle is worth it!

In the movie “An Officer and A Gentleman”, there is this scene where the commanding officer is trying to get Richard Gere’s character to give up. He puts him through this very difficult weekend and finally Richard Gere looks at him and says, “I can’t quit because I’ve got no place else to go.” I’ve thought about that scene often in my walk to push forward in what I know God has called me to. I’m not at all trying to say that God is trying to get you to quit because that is not his character. He wants you to fulfill you’re call. However, through situations, circumstances, and the enemy it can feel like that may be your only alternative.

The disciples went through a very similar situation. Many people were walking away from Jesus. John 6: 66-68 says, “From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. “You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Peter says pretty much the exact same thing as Richard Gere did in the movie. He’s saying, “We can’t quit where else would we go?”

You’ll find in your walk with the Lord that thought quitting may sound tempting when you really think about it, you can’t. You’ve seen too much in the kingdom, you know too much. If you give up now you’d just end up miserable. Being outside of God’s plans and purposes makes you miserable. It’s not worth it to give up. It may seem tempting, but that’s just the deception talking.

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” God has given you all the abilities you need to fulfill the call upon your life. His grace and ability inside of you is enough for you. You can do this!

You have to stop thinking of your alternatives. Pastor Arthur used to always say there is no Plan B in the kingdom of God. What he meant by that was that you can’t focus on the ‘what if’s’. You can’t keep thinking “worst case scenario”. However, you must push forward in what you know God has said and what He is doing. You must earnestly seek after Him.

You will find yourself on the other side of this situation one day and will see that all you’re laboring and all your fight has been worth it. You will find yourself rejoicing and so grateful that you didn’t give up when you were tempted. I always say that one day I want to be able to face God on Judgment Day and be able to tell him. I did everything I could to see His will fulfilled on this earth. I promise you this, the fight, the tears, it’s all worth it! God sees your heart. God sees the things you’ve done behind the scenes. I promise you, it’s worth it!


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