I jumped for the phone, hit my foot on the dresser, and broke the side of my foot.
When I was in middle school, late one night I was diving for the phone hit my foot on the dresser and broke the side of my foot. If you haven’t figured it out by now they knew me by name as a kid in the orthopedic doctor’s office. When I did this my friends at the time laughed so hard about what I had done they kept repeating to me that I’d jumped for the bed and hit my foot on the phone. Yes that is funny. But when I got to the doctor’s office to explain to them how I broke my foot I repeated to the doctor the exact thing my friends had kept saying. My words got all twisted up.
Now I’m not saying those people are bad. That’s not my point. My point is that you need to be careful whose words you allow in your thinking. The Bible says, in 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Meaning when you hang around someone long enough sometimes you start acting like them. Are the people your opening your life too ones you want to emulate?
If you read about Joseph in the book of Genesis you will learn about how God called Joseph through dreams at a very early age. Joseph opened his mouth up about these dreams a little too much. His brothers did not have a revelation of the things to come and they hated Joseph for the favor of God on his life. Who you allow in your inner circle will greatly affect you. Joseph made the mistake of sharing his dreams with everyone and inevitably it’s what angered his brothers to sell him into slavery.
You have to be careful about what you say to whom and how you say it. Sometimes God can give you some far out there thoughts and destinies and well meaning people can discourage you. I remember when I was sure I had to write my first book the concept of it seemed crazy to me. Writers were always people I thought were cool, but I was sure I was not one. I remember getting made fun of for not being able to write a proper sentence. There were several individuals that I talked to, and everyone minus my mother thought I was nuts. Finally out of desperation one day I made an appointment with Dr. Watson at Marion Christian Center. His encouragement has always been a help to me. He simply said to me, “If this is what God wants you to do then you can do it.” At the time when I felt support from few others his words helped me believe in the Jesus in myself. Today I finished my eight book, among a whole list of other stuff. Though I’m still working on the publishing part, one day God will do it because He hasn’t brought me this far to fail me now. I’m not saying all this to puff myself up. I know that it has been God all along. What is in your destiny that you have made into a mountain?
I want to encourage you today. Get around people who believe in you. Get around those that will encourage you to reach for the God given dreams and destiny on your life. Stop lending your ears to negativity. Negativity tells you that you’ll never go forward in life. But that is not the truth. Dare to believe God at what He told you. Matthew 19:26 (NKJV) says, “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
I’ll end this blog by copying the lyrics of one of my all time favorite songs (which I always joke is my theme song)
Dare to Believe by Ray Boltz,
You're standing at a mountain
That you know you cannot climb
Your enemy’s approaching
You hear him coming from behind
There is trouble all around you
There's no place to run away
But there's a voice
That's deep inside you
Saying it's time to stand in faith
I dare to believe
That miracles happen,
That mountains still move,
And demons must flee
For the God that we serve
He is much more than able
So don't be afraid
Stand up and say,
I dare to believe
There's a miracle inside you
It's just a mustard seed
of faith
But by the mighty hand of God now
You know that tiny seed was placed
And though this world
May try to crush you
It can never keep you down
Soon the life of God inside you
Will come breaking through the ground
No matter what the doubters tell you
No matter what the devil says
No matter what anybody,
Anybody else does
You just keep trusting Jesus
You'll see and won't be long
God is right and the doubters are wrong
Just say,
No don't be afraid
Just stand up and say,
I dare to believe
No don't be afraid
Just stand up and say,
I dare to believe
Now I’m not saying those people are bad. That’s not my point. My point is that you need to be careful whose words you allow in your thinking. The Bible says, in 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Meaning when you hang around someone long enough sometimes you start acting like them. Are the people your opening your life too ones you want to emulate?
If you read about Joseph in the book of Genesis you will learn about how God called Joseph through dreams at a very early age. Joseph opened his mouth up about these dreams a little too much. His brothers did not have a revelation of the things to come and they hated Joseph for the favor of God on his life. Who you allow in your inner circle will greatly affect you. Joseph made the mistake of sharing his dreams with everyone and inevitably it’s what angered his brothers to sell him into slavery.
You have to be careful about what you say to whom and how you say it. Sometimes God can give you some far out there thoughts and destinies and well meaning people can discourage you. I remember when I was sure I had to write my first book the concept of it seemed crazy to me. Writers were always people I thought were cool, but I was sure I was not one. I remember getting made fun of for not being able to write a proper sentence. There were several individuals that I talked to, and everyone minus my mother thought I was nuts. Finally out of desperation one day I made an appointment with Dr. Watson at Marion Christian Center. His encouragement has always been a help to me. He simply said to me, “If this is what God wants you to do then you can do it.” At the time when I felt support from few others his words helped me believe in the Jesus in myself. Today I finished my eight book, among a whole list of other stuff. Though I’m still working on the publishing part, one day God will do it because He hasn’t brought me this far to fail me now. I’m not saying all this to puff myself up. I know that it has been God all along. What is in your destiny that you have made into a mountain?
I want to encourage you today. Get around people who believe in you. Get around those that will encourage you to reach for the God given dreams and destiny on your life. Stop lending your ears to negativity. Negativity tells you that you’ll never go forward in life. But that is not the truth. Dare to believe God at what He told you. Matthew 19:26 (NKJV) says, “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
I’ll end this blog by copying the lyrics of one of my all time favorite songs (which I always joke is my theme song)
Dare to Believe by Ray Boltz,
You're standing at a mountain
That you know you cannot climb
Your enemy’s approaching
You hear him coming from behind
There is trouble all around you
There's no place to run away
But there's a voice
That's deep inside you
Saying it's time to stand in faith
I dare to believe
That miracles happen,
That mountains still move,
And demons must flee
For the God that we serve
He is much more than able
So don't be afraid
Stand up and say,
I dare to believe
There's a miracle inside you
It's just a mustard seed
of faith
But by the mighty hand of God now
You know that tiny seed was placed
And though this world
May try to crush you
It can never keep you down
Soon the life of God inside you
Will come breaking through the ground
No matter what the doubters tell you
No matter what the devil says
No matter what anybody,
Anybody else does
You just keep trusting Jesus
You'll see and won't be long
God is right and the doubters are wrong
Just say,
No don't be afraid
Just stand up and say,
I dare to believe
No don't be afraid
Just stand up and say,
I dare to believe
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