2011, You’ll be able to accomplish more than you could in 7!

Last year just before the New Year I had the opportunity to share a word that God had given me for 2010. I was at Marion Christian Center and the Lord had spoken to me often about 2010 being a year that would be “better than it’s been.” After I shared that message to that congregation and sat down, I heard the Lord very clearly say to me, “2011 You’ll be able to accomplish more than you could in 7!” As 2010 played out I held onto these words often. For Dan and I this last year had it’s triumphs and challenges I can truly say as the days of 2010 are drawing to a close that 2010 has been better than it had been. When I get these things from heaven like this they aren’t just for me and my family but I believe for the body of Christ as a whole.

As 2010 draws to a close and we begin to step into 2011, I am really excited. This is a really awesome time in the body of Christ. Not only have I heard the words that we’d be able to accomplish more in this year than we could in 7, about a month ago in prayer I was praying about doorways and I had visions of gateways. I believe that there are gates opening up to the people of God all over. I have continued to get this scripture time and time again that says just that!

Isaiah 62:10 (NIV)
Pass through, pass through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people.
Build up, build up the highway!
Remove the stones.
Raise a banner for the nations.

Last Sunday as I had the opportunity to visit Grace Ministries in Windsor Canada, I saw a whirlwind, and I asked God what was that about. I continued to get the phrase “winds of acceleration.”

I feel that the last season in the body has been preparation for many in the kingdom. Many have gotten bored with the training and have been yearning to begin to start these things, and now the race has truly begun. The race is on.

Many of you have found yourselves struggling with discouragement. (Myself included) Shake it off, because the gates are open!

We must remember, even in the days of acceleration, that God’s purpose is that we can help others to get to their destinies. We must pass through the gates, but we must also prepare the way for others. Rise up the banner of what He is doing in your life and go boldly forward so that the nations of the earth will see it in you. God has been faithful to you, and He’s consistent. His faithfulness has no end.

Be excited, and have a Happy New Year. Smiles.


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