It's the Holidays, Stay Sensitive!

If you read my blogs often you’ve probably heard me often say in this season how I believe these are exciting times to be alive. I believe God is doing awesome things in the church and there are a lot of things getting ready to take place in both a corporate body of Christ and in the lives of individuals as well.

A few nights ago I had a very vivid dream/vision. I saw what appeared to be dark glass and it looked as if there was a powerful light source behind it. That glass was breaking and through the breaks one could see the other side. After getting up and praying for a few moments I went back to sleep to have a dream that I was at a checkout line just about there. I believe both of these were relating that same thing. That both corporately and individually so many of us are so close to the breakthroughs that God has continued to promise us.

You’ve also heard me quote Pastor Arthur on numerous times that, “suddenlies are never suddenly. It may be suddenly people see the thing spring up but God has been doing things under the surface for quite sometime.”

I want to encourage all of you to take this time in the holiday season not to be lulled asleep by fleshy things going on around you, but be awake, alert and plugged into Jesus.

James 4:14 (NKJV)whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

Stay alert and vigilant because things are beginning to break forth!

Now, if you remember the last blog I wrote, I spoke about the Lord showing me one way you stay alert is that you rest when God tells you to. I believe that I need to take some time in the next few weeks while my family and I will be celebrating the holidays to not write the blogs. However I assure you I will be coming back before the first of the year. The Lord was very clear to me at the beginning of last year. He told me that, “In 2011 you’ll be able to accomplish more than you could in 7.” I am excited for 2011 and I believe it’ll be a year of fulfillment for many. I will be writing that blog, posting it and sending it out just before the New Year, and then you can expect my normal schedule to resume.

I want to remind you all in the Central Ohio area that I will be at Hope Crossing book store in Marion Ohio on Saturday Dec 11th from 1-3. I will be signing, “Heavenly Humor for a Cat Lover’s Soul.” I’m excited about this events and I now have bookmarks announcing “Exposing the spirit of Balaam” with Destiny Image Publishers March 2013 to give to everyone who comes.

Stay expecting. Stay tuned in to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. Stay sensitive. Be on your guard. I wish and pray for you all to have a very Merry Christmas. God is faithful to you. Be blessed!


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