Are You Still Hiding?

When I was in Middle School (I think it was the 7th grade) our English teacher teamed up with different school’s English teacher for a bit. We were given pen pals from a neighboring school and then later in the year it was arranged that we would meet our pen pals at a park for an outing. It sounded like a good idea, except I had a problem with mine. My pen pal wanted to beat me up. I was typically a kid that stayed out of trouble, tried not to create waves, but my pen pal kept trying to tell me that she knew Luke Perry from 90210. Those were the years of the height of the Beverly Hills 90210 faze and I voiced my unbelief in a letter. She voiced her threats through friends and as the days toward the field trip drew near, I dreaded going.

The day of the trip, it was beautiful. The birds were singing, and the smell of spring was in the air like a floral blanket. It was the perfect Ohio spring day, but I rode to the park that day as if wanting to sink under the seat. While I have always considered myself a tough chicka, and have come from a long line of street fighters, but getting into a fistfight was not something I wanted to do. When everyone else started to pair up with their partners, I sunk to the back of the crowd. I half hid throughout the day, and finally when the angry girl found me, it was not nearly as crazy of a scene as I thought would happen. She insisted she knew Luke Perry, which he is from Ohio originally okay maybe she did, I conceded to that fact. That was the end of it. We avoided each other the rest of the day.

So many times, we as Christians handle conflict with the devil just like that. We automatically go to thinking the worst case scenarios are going to happen and then it steals our joy. We have to realize that God has given us the authority over the devil.

Matthew 10:1[Jesus Sends Out the Twelve ] Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

Luke 10:19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

In the Bible the word says that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy but He comes so that we may have life and life more abundantly (John 10:10) It all comes down to a choice. You have a choice to run in fear when situations arise just as I did with the girl. It stole my enjoyment of that day. On the other hand, you have a choice to rise up in the authority that if you have been born again, you have Jesus Christ on the inside of you and that you can take your authority in the situation. You do not have to run from conflict because the greater one is on the inside of you!

Be encouraged to day, that God is for you so who can be against you. Do not run in fear but be bold be strong for the Lord your God is with you!


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