Are Your Shoes Too Small?

Last weekend my family and I were blessed to get to go to Disney. Right before we left I said to everyone “Wear shoes that are comfortable!” The statement seemed like a no brainer but my oldest picked out shoes that I knew were going to hurt her feet. So I insisted that she wear the new pair of off brand crocs she’d gotten. The problem is that those shoes had been at the bottom of the bin and had gotten misshapen and their not as comfortable as they should be on her feet. I questioned her. Was she sure they were comfortable? “Yes mom…I’m sure.”

The day was picturesque. We were serenaded in Frontier Land by a tuba, banjo and guitar singing “Zippity-do-da” while we ate our packed lunch from home. My youngest was finally tall enough to go on Splash Mountain, and while it was trying to get hot it was a beautiful day with just the right amount of breeze.

However, half way through the day, I looked down and noticed my oldest was limping. The blisters on her feet were already starting to form, and I was immediately thinking if I buy shoes here for her I’ll pay three times what their worth. In desperation I switched shoes with her. I figured my feet would stretch out the shoes and she’d just wear mine too big. We got through the day eventually. We both had blisters, and we discovered that those stickers the cast members give you all the time make for a great impromptu band-aids. See picture attached.

Shoes that are too small are never comfortable. There are times in your walk with God you can begin to feel that way in the spirit. What do I mean by that? God is constantly trying to get you to grow and change (2 Corn 3:18). God wants us always to go and grow further and further with Him. It’s a progression. Many times in my walk with Him I’ve found myself in places that suddenly I feel like I’ve out grown. It almost becomes claustrophobic. I find myself doing the same things that I used to, and suddenly it’s like “Ok, I’ve been here. Done that. What’s next?”

There are times that we have to learn to go through the mundane, but there are times when God is trying to get us to move forward with Him. It’s as if God is the Poppa Bird trying to nudge us out of the nest. If we aren’t uncomfortable there, then we won’t ever see past the comfort of the nest. You have to see the need to take a step of faith before you’ll take it. Times where you’re uncomfortable often produce some of the biggest faith moves forward.

If you find yourself in one of those times in life where you’re shoes feel to small. Remember that God has awesome plans for your life. His desire is that you would move forward in what He tells you to do.

Psalm 27:14 (KJV)
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Wait on the Lord, and trust in Him. For truly He knows how to get you to where you need to go. Trust Him beyond your comfort level. His ways are good.


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