Back To The Turkey Leg

The story of a prop my husband made in college has become infamous in my lore of my family.

Dan had a class in school in which they were required to make a prop my using a mold. My husband opted for molding a real turkey leg. I remember when he did this because I was in his apartment when he opened that mold. Somehow, I had this notion that he had molded a fake one, and when the mold opened and it looked so real, it took me a bit to realize what he’d done.

The turkey leg became a part of all our moves. As we moved across country, it slowly worked its way into a funny topic of conversation in our living room. It did look like a real turkey leg. Finally, Dan decided to put it on his desk at work.

A few years ago, a film crew came to Dan’s work to film a documentary. Really, Dan had not thought much of it. Having film crews where he works showing up is not too uncommon. One of the of the documentary saw the turkey leg on his desk. Evidently, he had been looking for one.
“I’m in a one man show and we need a turkey leg for a prop.” This actor started to explain.
“Oh, well I made that in school.”
“Would you be interested in selling that?”
“No. You can have it.”
“Thank you! Do you like the Back To The Future Movies?”
“Uhh Yeah”

So the conversation went somewhat to that effect. Dan really did not think much of the conversation. He just thought it was funny and somewhat coincidental that someone was going to use the turkey leg. He was glad it was going to a good home.

The day went on; Dan realized he had a present on his desk. It turned out the actor that Dan had talked to was Jeffrey Weissman who had played George McFly in Back To the Future 2 and 3. We never realized there was a different actor for 2 and 3, than in the first one. As a result, We now have several picts from the show signed. Mr. Weissman was nice enough to leave Dan a gift of picts on his desk one signed, ‘Thanks for the turkey leg’ or something to that effect. We really should hang them and put them up in the house. The whole turkey leg meets George McFly is really a funny story.

I am not about to say this whole thing was some divine connection or encounter. It just kind of all happened. But sometimes these kind of things happen and they really are divine inspired. I’m of the school of thought that I really don’t believe in coincidences. I think a lot of things in life are divinely ordered.

I do always say that often times the things of God can just be ‘I meant to do that moments’. Often when you are living your life for the Lord, you can make decision that you do not understand why you are just led to go that direction, and then later find out why. One thing leads to another and you realize it has been God all along. You have to learn living your life for the Lord to be lead by what God is doing. Sometimes you will know for sure God is calling you to do something and sometimes things can appear random, but you have to learn to ‘go with it’!

Romans 8:14 (NIV)
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Trust in God as He leads you on the course of your life. You never know what is going to happen, but God is faithful to you and it will be well. He has awesome plans for your life, so get excited!

*This is a picture of the infamous turkey leg, and a small chicken that he did once too.


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