Warning Legos Ahead

In my opinion, Tim Hawkins is one of the funniest comedians out there. If you have never heard of him I highly recommend you go to you tube and stick his name in the search engine. About an hour later, you will still be setting there with aching sides in tears. He‘s so funny. He has got a bit that I have been thinking about the spiritual applications of it for today’s blog.

Here is the link for the sketch: http://youtu.be/CBhyskisVNM

If you have young children, you know exactly the scenario in which he is talking. Those little toys inevitably find there way into the crevices of your carpet, and you do not realize it until it is one in the morning and you are up to go to the bathroom. How many of us have found ourselves at the mercy of a stupid McDonald’s toy or Lego at the break of dawn. It would be a great way to fight terrorism. :-)

There are things as we walk in life that are set up to trap us when we least expect it. The devil would like nothing more to wait until we are in a place of non suspecting and trip us up over something stupid. I am speaking now in a terms of going throughout your day. Maybe there is something that God has had it on your heart to deal with in your past, and you refuse to, so you brush it off to the side thinking you will not have to. The devil knows the buttons to push to get you in a place of defeat, and will set things up to do that. Maybe your lego may be something in your future that would just not look good, maybe an ambush is coming. God wants to show you those things so that you can be on your guard and avoid it all together.

While it may feel sometimes that, we are susceptible to whatever may be thrown our way, which is not true. God wants to show you what traps may be ahead.

The Bible says in Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

God’s word both: The Bible (first) and His prophetic word (second) want to illuminate your path. God’s word is a flashlight if you will. He wants to show you ahead of time what is in your way, so that one month, six months, or 10 years down the road you will not step on the “lego”, fall in the pit, or settle for the trap. So often we ignore the warnings, and keep barreling through life. That is when we can find ourselves in serious trouble.

Some people think that going through life is like being in that dark room. Let got turn the light on! It is so sad that people have seemingly lost their love of the word of God. Too few people really know what the Bible says. Keep the light on in your life, by spending time with God in the word and by hearing His voice. Do not just take what other people say the Bible says as fact. Go and look it up for yourself. Let God illuminate His truth, His plan, and your future.

God has awesome plans for your life. Let Him turn the flashlight onto your future. Go where He says to go, and avoid anything that is in your way. Get excited for what He is doing.

*I will be doing some traveling in the next few weeks. I might write a blog while I am traveling but am not sure yet. Therefore, for the next few weeks the blogs may not be consistent. However, as always I will be back. We are continuing to pray that God opens doors for our lives that no man can open and He closes the ones He wants closed. Be blessed.



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