Bent Nails and Frustration

On Saturday we took the girls to the Lowe’s kids build and grow workshop. Their fun and free and those two f words are speaking my language. We’ve taken the girls to ones before and it’s always been a nice outing. In this one we were building wooden tow trucks. Really the kits aren’t too hard. Dan took one of the girls to help her, and I had the other. When I was in college I worked in a set studio and build sets for theatre. I know my way around a hammer and nails…at least I think I do, surely I could assist my youngest daughter in building a little toy tow truck.

However I began to get very frustrated. The nails kept bending as I tried to attach the crank onto the toy. The sound of crying children and little hammers banging rang in my ears, and I love my daughter, but I had been hit a dozen too many times with a hammer as she tried to build this tow truck. My daughter was growing impatient and at that moment I bent yet another nail.

“That’s it Dan you need to help.” I used my words as sweet as I could, but I was about to flesh out in a frustrated downward spiral and I knew I needed a minute. Dan graciously came over to finish the younger daughters tow truck as I assisted the oldest in hers.

Bent nails, children whining, loud noises repeatedly, and demanding people can really mess with the moment if you let it. I could have screamed, acted like a crazy woman and waited for Lowe’s to send in a straight jacket OR, I could admit that I was about to burst, and quietly take a moment to calm down and return to sanity. I choose the later and I’m glad I did. Dan was very gracious that day. He not only helped me, but another mother next to me who was in about the same place I was emotionally.

When things get to you, you have to learn how to control yourself. I can’t say I’m perfect at this, but I like to think I’m getting better. Practicing love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, and self-control isn’t easy. (Galatians 5:22-23) It’s a constant decision. The memory my children made making a tow truck with mom and dad is a better memory than them remembering they went to make a tow truck and mom threw the truck at a mother who wouldn’t discipline her child when he threw a temper tantrum. Really the first option has a better result.

Remember as you go through life, bent nails happen. But you choose what the result will be in the end. If you can’t just walk away for a moment, start praying for peace. It’s your choice. Make a wise one.

**Which I will add I still love these workshops....I was just having a moment!


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