The Ducks Are Blocking The Road!

A few weeks ago I was driving back from the grocery store with I came across and intersection. There were probably twenty five ducks and they weren’t being very quick about crossing the road. I thought at first if I drove very slowly then they would move so that I could get home, but that wouldn’t work. The ducks took their own precious time crossing over to get to the pond on the other side of the street. Then I half considered getting out of the car to hurry them along. However, there were already a couple of people gathering to take pictures of their voyage and I really didn’t want to look like a crazy woman trying to hurry them up. So I sat in the car and waited….and waited….and waited. While I didn’t look at my watch, it felt like at least 15 minutes until there was a hole in the pack of ducks were I could get my car. Half of them were on one side of the street and the other half on the other. This is not my picture. I thought about grabbing one but I didn’t.

It can feel like times in your walk with God your setting out in the road waiting to go forward and can’t because of one thing or another blocking your path. If you’ve been around me any length of time, you’ve probably heard me joke, “patience is a fruit of the spirit because it doesn’t happen in the natural. It’s a supernatural act.”

I can be a pretty impatient individual. I want to get things done and I want them to happen ten minutes ago. I have often joked that it’s why God put me in the publishing industry and gave me children. It was to teach me patience. I can remember arguing with a might man of God in my tween years by the name of Dr. Arthur Ebert. Doc has long since passed from this earth and lives with Jesus, but I remember him and me discussing praying for patience. At the time, I refused to do it. My justification was that if I prayed for it I’d end up in situations to try it and thus wouldn’t pray for it. His argument was that I would have to go through situations in life that I needed patience so I might as well ask for it and go through them equipped.

So as the ducks took what seemed like forever, and my frozen vegetables started to melt I reminded myself of what the Bible says.

Philippians 4:6 (NIV)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

God has awesome plans for your life. I know that sometimes it feels that you may never see them, but you will. Rest in the peace He’s given you. He’s on the throne, and in His timing, things break forth. Get excited. It is well.


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