It has been one of those mornings.....

I should have known it was going to be one of those mornings when I woke up and came out into the kitchen to hear my youngest go “Shhh Mom’s up!” I accept that I do not always wake up in the best of moods but I do think I have gotten better and are not as bad as some. Then I see my youngest coloring a beautiful masterpiece and motivating her to start getting ready for school is equal to convincing people to stay on the Titanic as it sank.

Trying to motivate her I yelled, “Why don’t you get dressed while I make your oatmeal.”

She ran to her room and I hear the sound that makes mother’s cringe in the morning, “Mom, I don’t have any uniform shirts here!” So I walked to the clean clothes that need to be folded. I try to sift through them not finding anything and trying to watch the oatmeal as it cooked. Quickly I picked up the basket, and knocked over the ironing board and the iron hits the garage floor with a thwack. I do not think it broke.

Dumping all the laundry on the living room floor I know cannot find a uniform shirt for her either, “You should have two clean,” I yell from my frazzled place.

I can hear the sounds of scurry and confusion. So I go to her room to help. It looks as if a tornado was stuck in overdrive. She is panicked I am trying not to yell and she knew it. I looked at the stack of shirts and find one of the missing two, take a few big breaths and go back to the oatmeal. Then it is time for her hair to be done and I start wrestling it into two French braids. The laundry still sets in my living room waiting for me to fold, but I did get them in school on time.

If you have ever had young children in your house, you have had some variance of the above drama. Overall, as much I wanted to start yelling like a banshee this morning, I think I maintained my composure fairly well which is a step up from my past.

Galatians 5:22-23 (amp)
But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,
23Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [[a]that can bring a charge].

We all need to be reminded of the above scripture every now and then. It is so much easier when drama starts and something does not go your way to start yelling and screaming. It can be so much easier to fly off the deep end, but in the end what is the fruit from that. If I had flipped this morning, then my kids would have probably started crying at their mom acting nuts. Dan and I would have probably ended up in a fit and my getting so stressed out. I would be yet again teaching my children that kind of reaction to stress was okay and I would have wanted to come home to write this blog in tears.

I am not perfect at stressful situations and I have had plenty of situations that have not been pretty, but I am trying to improve.

When you are in these kinds of situations, you can choose to walk in love. You can choose to walk in peace. You can choose to remember that you want to be an example to those around you of the way you should act and not the way you want to act. So while I simmer down from the drama this morning in my home, and go and fold the laundry looking for the missing uniform shirt….Remember God has awesome plans for your life. You can choose not to be caught up in the drama, and you can choose to get excited. God is excited about your future, so get excited too!


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