Pig Poop And A Grass Hut

I am blessed to have such a super awesome daddy on this earth. As many of you know my dad served a tour in Vietnam in 1967 and 68. He wasn’t just a drafted army man, but was a grunt soldier for most of that time where he lived in horrible conditions. My dad just also happens to be quite the prankster and the story about the pig poop and grass hut in my family happens to be one of my favorite.
Daddy’s company was coming into a village and he and his friend Rob went to go checkout a hut that was a bit away from the village and up on a small hill. Now typically when you checked out a hut you were supposed to have three men, but this day it was only dad and Rob. It really was a difficult scenario. Many times the huts were entrances to the system of underground tunnels and you never knew what was in that hut, or who could be waiting. Dad snuck up one side of the hill, while Rob took the other side. It was in these moments of silent fear Dad noticed that one side of the hill had pig poop baking in the sun on it about an inch layer laying on the side of the hill. While Rob hadn’t walked on the poop Dad realized if Rob were to take cover he’d have no choice but to have to deal with the pig poop. It was also about this time Dad realized the hut was empty so he threw a rock in the hut. Well, like any trained soldier Rob heard the rock hit the wood in the grass hut and dove down the hill head first in the pig poop. Rob slid down the hill face first with pig poop oozing all around him. This is the time in the story where my father starts laughing describing how the pig poop had only appeared to be baked in the sun because when Rob came up there was poop dripping off his face. Daddy always swears that he would have gotten away with the prank without Rob being the wiser had he been able to contain his laughter at the image. This is when Daddy always smiles and says, “He called your father a bunch of not nice names.”
Our reactions in life often are similar to Rob in the story above. We hear or sense something and automatically our minds can easily go into the worst possible scenario mode. We panic at the small rocks thinking their massive bombs. I am just as guilty, but I’m endeavoring to get better and better at this.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
If you always are jumping to the worst case scenario then where is your trust?
Psalm 37:5Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.
You have to realize that even if you hear a few rocks falling that isn’t the final say so; you have to choose to trust the Lord despite of what you know or understand. You have to trust Him in the times of battle, and you have to trust Him despite of the storm. I want to leave you with this song that one of my favorite artists (Robby Cummings) is releasing called the Storm. http://robbycommings.bandcamp.com/track/storm-2?autoplay=true Be sure to click on the link and listen to the song. It’s very powerful in learning to trust the Lord no matter what you’re going through. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. So get excited!
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