NYC Favor

Recently Dan and I were talking and this story came up. I had not thought about it in years but realized I had never told it in this format and could not resist telling it. It was a funny story. When I graduated high school, my grandparents bought me a ring. It was out of a LeVian collection. LeVian is a well known jewelry designing legacy, and I am a big fan their work. This ring is still very sentimental to me. When I was in college, I had my hand on a door frame and it was caught on the door hinge and literally ripped off my hand. The shank was broken. So I sent it off to a particular store that was to handle repairs for that company. They did replace the back of the ring but they never put the designer’s insignia in the ring. So I took the ring back and told them this. They solved this problem by forging the insignia in the ring. I was not a happy customer. Later that year some friends and I decided to travel a bit over spring break. We ended up spending time in the Pocono’s, New J...