Getting Caught Lying?

While my family and I were in Canada a few weeks ago, Dan and I went to the main bookstore in town. I am trying to get my book tour schedule down for post the book release and am planning a Northern tour this summer. Because we do travel to Windsor a couple times a year, and I already have a book signing tentatively planned in Detroit, I thought going to Windsor would be a good idea. While I had called this store before and mentioned the idea, and they kind of gave me the run around because I am an American, I thought it would still be worth the try to talk to someone in person. I mean really the border is ten minutes from the store.

Dan and I arrived in the bookstore and shook the snow off our shoes. We have done this enough. We have the drill down. He went his way in the store and I went about finding someone I could talk to.

“Excuse me ma’am do you have an event coordinator I can speak to…” I went into they why’s and the book release. The worker listened to me with a blank expression.

“You need to talk to *Sue. She will be in on Friday. You can come back then.” *Sue was not the name she gave me, but for the sake of discretion, I will not give store names or exact names.

“Ok. Thank you.” I shook her hand and went about to find Dan. When I found him, I explained to him what happened. It appeared on the surface like every other conversation I have had with bookstores. You just need to be persistent and talk to the right person.

As Dan put the magazine, back into the rack so we could go in the mall the loudspeaker to the store came on. Blaring like an alarm we heard someone speak, “There is a call on line 1, will Sue please pick up the phone.” Without uttering a word, my husband and I turned to each other, and started to laugh.

For those of you who are thinking maybe there are two workers by the same name. I doubt that for the real name was not very common. Truthfully, it is not a big deal; there are other bookstores out there. I just really found the story funny.

You know the Bible talks about things being done under cover will eventually be brought out.

Luke 8:17 (NIV)
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

I know that worker thought she could get away with lying to me. However, really she should have just told me the truth. The truth came out anyway. Many times people make up stories and call them “little white lies” because they do not want to fess up to something. People have this idea that what they do in secret people will never know about. I have made some goofy mistakes in my time. While I do not broadcast some of them, I try to be honest about them if confronted. We have to be honest. Eventually those things come out, so really it is just easier to tell the truth than have to admit a lie later. Life your life as an open book. God can see the truth anyway! So maybe I will not be going to Windsor in that store for a book signing this time around. It is okay. Learning to deal with the truth is always better than a fabricated lie. Remember, God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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