One Person Can Make a Difference

I have heard people tell me over the years that “You are just one person, and you couldn’t possibly make a difference on this earth.” On this Martin Luther King Jr Day of 2012 I want to remind you all that one person can make a difference. Martin Luther King Jr was one pastor, one father, and one man who essentially changed the world. He helped bring about change in this nation, and when the wars of apartheid sprung up in the 80’s in South Africa I know his inspiration was there as well. One person can make a difference on this earth. Names like Martin Luther (who broke off of the Catholic Church in the 1500’s), Nelson Mandela, Corrie Ten Boom, Anne Frank, and Billy Graham. They were all probably people that would have been considered normal. However, as I wrote in a facebook status update yesterday, “God loves to take ‘normal’ people and do extraordinary things. But it takes the ‘normal’ person to step out of the box of normalcy, and dare to believe Him.”

Many of you have heard me tell the story about a similar argument I had with God years ago. I was in an inner city arguing and giving excuses to the Lord as to why I couldn’t pick up the call of God on my life. I kept saying, “But God I’m one person!” There were some little girls playing on the swings beside us as we picked up glass and shards of debris. To those little girls the playground was normal, but there were broken bottles everywhere. As I bent down to pick up piles of glass, like a bolt that hit my spirit and shook me from my moment of selfish pity party, I heard the Lord say to me, “That piece of glass will never end up in that child’s knee.” One person can make a difference.

Jesus was just one person. (Well he was also God, but when He was on the earth He was one person) and He changed the world…He changed the eternity for many.

God has created you with greatness inside of you, will you rise to it, or will you spend your life ignoring it? I find it so sad when I talk to people who have known what God had called them to, but have chosen their own paths. God doesn’t waste lives. We are all his creation uniquely fashioned for destiny. Hook up with His plans, and you will see His greatness come out of you that will even surprise you!

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

I will close this blog today with a clip from the infamous “I have a dream” speech. I believe one person on this earth can make a difference. Will you let God use you, to step into your destiny? Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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