Don't Fall Asleep On The Treadmill!

Yes, I usually write blogs Monday and Wed, but this story is fresh in my mind so I guess you’re getting my biweekly blog back to back this week.  Dan and I have been working out together when we can at the gym that the company he works for has for their employees. While I’m usually an elliptical girl for my cardio, yesterday I decided to take the treadmill next to him and go for a jog with him. About at minute 13 I decided to close my eyes. I want to be very clear here that in my head I only closed my eyes for a minute. I was getting into the zone. Really I was, but the next thing I knew I hear Dan yelling at me! “Ann! Ann!” I opened my eyes in a jerk long enough to fall off the side of the treadmill, in a rolling heap, jump back on in a full stumble trip landing, and start laughing so hard I could barely walk. Really, if I’d had a fake side panel of judges judging my dismount and reentry I had to have scored an 8 for recovery alone. “You fell asleep jogging!” Dan was laughing hysterically. We both were looking around the room grateful that none of his coworkers had seen me. “I did not fall asleep!” I was laughing and jogging so hard I could barely make the words out. “I was in the zone!” “You fell asleep!” We were both laughing so hard it was hard to keep jogging. Despite this and the story I fell asleep while swimming the backstroke as a child I would like to state that I’m not narcoleptic. How many times in life do we all suffer from spiritual narcolepsy? We get so used to the motions that we simply stop feeling and start falling asleep. It’s like we go through life just going through the motions, and deep down we’re really asleep. Romans 13:11 (NKJV) [ Put on Christ ] And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Wake up people! God doesn’t want us merely going through the motions of life. He wants us to be awake and alive with passion. He wants us to press forward towards the goals. Sometimes in order to do that you need to change your routine. If you’re doing the same thing the same ways change it up a bit. Sometimes we grumble and complain because we find ourselves in uncomfortable places, but I find it’s when we are the most uncomfortable is when we grow the most. Being too comfortable can lull you to sleep if you let it. Pick up the pace and wake up! If you find yourself sleeping on the treadmill WAKE UP! Stir up what God has called you to do, spend some time with God, and wake up! Don’t just go through the motions! Let this be a wakeup call that God wants you to live life. He doesn’t want you stuck on autopilot! Remember, God has awesome plans for your life. So wake up, and get excited!


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