See People
I’m five weeks into my Southern Book Tour now. Standing at book signings and talking to people has been an exciting and fun thing. As I’ve mentioned before going into a secular book store with a Christian book is and can be like a sea of going into a shark’s lair but as a whole the questions, stares and conversations don’t bother me. Many people actually want to shake my hand whether they’re in the church or not. When they hear what the book is about, I’ve had the most tattooed dark haired Goth looking people get excited at the message. Sadly the concept of Christians being hypocritical is something people agree on, and their just glad someone who is a Christian is saying it. Truthfully I think: the guy who tried to start an argument with me on Healthcare reform, or the lady who had missed my point and later I discovered was of the B’aih faith, or the Christian Science lady - just makes for good stories. Yesterday I sat in front of the Hunger Games books and got to talk to a woman about hearing the voice of God. She was a believer and very receptive to what I had to say.
What gets to me are the countless people who walk by and don’t even notice the world around them. Books-A-Million has been nice to bake cookies for customers when I’m around. So I put them at my table. Often, I’m just giving people a free cookie. I am shocked at the amount of people that walk by me, and never really heard me.
So many times I’ve smiled and said, “Have a nice day.”
Just to hear someone mutter, “Oh, I don’t need anything!”
After years of working in retail, I don’t take these things personal, but it just surprises me how much people have stopped seeing the world around them. They’re so caught up in their own personal orb of space that they just don’t see people. I honestly don’t think it’s on purpose. I’ll admit I do it myself sometimes.
When Jesus was on the earth He flowed with such signs, wonders, and miracles. He didn’t just confine His word to the synagogue. He saw the people around Him hurting and needing a miracle. In Acts 3 when the lame man is healed at the Gate Beautiful. Peter saw him, and knew He needed a touch of God’s power. I suppose sometimes it’s easier just to go throughout our lives and ignore the people around us, but is that what Jesus would have done?
I don’t claim perfection in this area, but I’m trying to see people more. I’m trying to stop being so caught up in my own world so that maybe God can use me to change someone’s live today. May I can be used by God to be the answer to someone’s prayer. A smile can change someone’s day. A free cookie can mean the world to some. We have to start seeing people in the world. Remember He has awesome plans for your life. So get Excited!
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