Faith Shopping

For quite some time now I’ve known that a very mighty man of God has been trying his best to get me on TBN (In which again I want to say the Jesus in Him totally rocks).  I’d heard snippets of possible times and it was getting a tad frustrating.  I knew that it was going to work out to be a God thing, but it had been taking a bit to come together.  It wasn’t the fault of TBN, just the all-around communication of the situation.  Well one of the days came that I knew was a possibility of me going over there, and he was going into the interview but I was still slated for a possible later date.  I’ll admit I had a moment.  I cried for about a second, took the phone call telling me such, and then decided I was going shopping.  Maybe it sounds funny to you, but I knew eventually all of this would work out.  In faith I went out and purchased a dress to wear when it would work out.

     The next day, while I was working out, I got called to get over to TBN for a meeting with the station manager.  The meeting, though I’ll admit I was a little intimidating, went really well.  It was one of those times where I just stepped into something knowing it was a God thing.  I have a tentative taped interview for the end of October, in which I’ll wear my dress I bought in faith.  (I’ll give y’all exact air dates when I get them, PLEASE BE PRAYING WITH ME THAT ALL WORKS OUT WITH THIS)  The point in telling y’all all of this is simply, sometime we have to get ready in faith.  You have to be prepared in and out of season.  You have to sometimes do things knowing what God said is true, and those circumstances will eventually change. 

     It’s also a little known fact that I carry teaching notes in my Bible of several messages.  Because you never know what will happen and I could need them at a moment’s notice.  There have been times I have needed those notes, and have gotten a call to preach hours before I was supposed to.  You have to be prepared for the things God has told you to break forth at any moment…..

2 Timothy 4:2a

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season
       In college I remember hearing a story about a girl who was crying on a park bench.  She was a scenic designer looking for a job and was frustrated about her prospects.  Long story short a man sat down on the bench and happened to start talking to her.  After he heard her story he asked to see her resume.  She had it on hand.  He hired her on the spot.  He had been trying to find a set designer for a well-known traveling musical.  That “chance” encounter launched her career.  But what would have happened has she not had her resume on hand.
You have to prepare for the breakthroughs in your life.  You have to be ready for the unexpected.  You have to be prepared in and out of season.  In order to live a life of faith, you have to sometimes go shopping before you have an interview date.  You have to get ready in faith, so be prepared.  Remember God has awesome plans for your life.   Get ready, and get excited!


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