Monday Morning Car Dancing

This morning my whole family was dragging a bit. The “Monday, Monday’s” can sometimes get to everyone. One kid didn’t want to wake up and stayed in her pj’s until the last possible moment. I’ll admit I felt the same way, and it appeared we all needed something to get us going. I opted to drive the girls to school this morning and had a “Mom you’re so silly” moment. I started car dancing to the morning radio while driving in the car line in front of the school. Before I knew it the girls were laughing hysterically at me, and I suppose a few bystanders were too. But it got us all awake and in a much better mood. It’s too bad the dash board blocked my renditions of the “RunningMan” and the “Tootsie-Roll”!

Sometimes you just have to have a silly moment. It’s all too often we go throughout out life being so serious. We can’t be so religiously serious all the time that we forget laughter and smiling is a good thing.

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

So take a moment this Monday morning to giggle, laugh, chuckle, and grin at. Life is too short to always be so serious. He does have awesome plans for your life. Get excited.


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