See You At The Pole

This morning when I took the girls to school, I heard on the radio that tomorrow Sept 26th, is “See you at the Pole”. If you’re not familiar with the movement, it’s when they encourage students to meet at the flagpole of the school and pray for their friends and school.

As soon as I heard that I was immediately transported in my head with my experiences of “See you at the Pole”. Unless you are a person that has known me for years most have a hard time believing that I was ever timid or shy. The bold girl I am today is a result of the Holy Spirit and years of training me to step out of my comfort zone. But I was not always like this. I didn’t want to stand out in school, and often I was too scared to ever find my voice. I can remember though I got to school early every year for “See you at the Pole,” I was too afraid to ever be a part of the movement. I didn’t want to stand out. I didn’t want to be different. I laugh hysterically now that I was every like that, but I was. When asked to go, I’d just shake my head. The funny part about all of that my last two years of high school I was a leader in an after school Bible Study and I went from the kid that refused to go pray around the pole to the one that led the group my final year.

It’s amazing what the Holy Spirit can do to a person. God did similar things in Peter’s life too in the Bible. He went from being timid, to getting filled with the Holy Spirit and preaching to thousands in the book of Acts. The spirit of God has the habit of making you bolder than you though possible if you let Him.

Be encouraged that the greater one lives on the inside of you, and He can turn everything in your life around. He can make you bold where you’ve been timid.

1 John 4:4 (NIV)You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

I want to encourage you to pray for “See you at the Pole” tomorrow. If you have children school age encourage them to go be a part of the movement. If you are a teacher, I encourage those around you. Our schools desperately need the prayer, and our children desperately need a touch from God.

Remember He has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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