Don't Fall For the Fake Jakes!
I hope all of you had an awesome Resurrection Weekend! He is Risen!! Several weeks ago I had someone claiming to be T.D. Jakes begin communication with me on twitter. At first I brushed him off thinking there was no way he was the real T.D. However this individual was persistent. We began exchanging a few direct messages back and forth. He then proceeded to invite me to go with himself and several other ministers over to Japan to preach over there. That was when I told him to email me at my website email. The conversation continued. At first I didn’t believe at all this was the real T.D. Jakes. However the more we exchanged emails the more I really thought it might. His phrasing on how he worded things sounded like the real T.D. The text emails were coming from Texas, and it was obvious this man spent a long time familiarizing himself with T.D. and his website because of the way he wove legitimate things about the real T. D. into the conversations. This went back a forth for several we...
ReplyDeleteThis resonates with me. I thought I would share a prophetic word that Apostle Axel Sippach shared with his facebook community. He works closely with Apostle John Eckhardt.
"Be it unto me according to Thy word:"
2000 years ago, after God had not spoken to Israel for 400 years, there came a season called "the fullness of time," where a door from the invisible realm of heaven opened up inside the womb of a young virgin. God spoke the Word - the power of the Spirit overshadowed her - she received and conceived. And 9 months later Israel's Messiah - our Messiah - was born.
I believe this New Year - 2013 - will be a "fullness of time" season for many in the body of Christ concerning their destinies, where a door from the invisible realm of heaven will open in their spiritual womb, and they will hear God speak a "now word" to them regarding their future. And in that holy visitation, they will receive and conceive that "new thing" they have been seeking the Lord about.
"Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the WOMB OF THE MORNING: thou hast the dew of thy youth." Psalm 110:3
Amen :-) Thanks again for letting me share this with your church. Anytime I get to minister it's always an honor!