MOM! The Tea is Frozen!

Last week when I went grocery shopping I bought some apple cinnamon tea. Last night Dan and I decided to break open the seal and try it. Usually this kind of things are right up to our liking, but neither of were a fan of this particular brand. The cinnamon came on way too strong for our tastes. The tea smelled really good and my youngest wanted to try it.

“Let it cool off then go for it kiddo.” I responded as I set my cup down. She waited and waited and after tasting it, I don’t think she liked it either but she had an idea. She wanted to try to freeze it to see what it would look and taste like after spending a night in the freezer. So we did.

This morning I woke up to, “Mom! Mom! MOM! The tea is frozen! The tea is frozen!”

“Yes dear.” I mumbled and went about my morning.

“MOM!” She was so excited and beside herself to discover the tea was frozen, and from what she could tell it no longer had a taste. We had to then put it in the microwave to see what it would do.

I was thinking ‘big whoop’ it’s a frozen, liquid, gas conversation…and she thought it was the coolest thing ever.

It’s funny how life can do that do you. It’s not that as adults you stop caring about childish things, but maybe you can get a little jaded. Life can become less of a wonderment and more of a ‘yup, been there done that and wore the T-shirt”.

Matthew 18:3
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

God isn’t expecting us to be children, but He is expecting us to shake off the jadedness that can easily happen in life. It’s the same kind of cynical burned-out lackluster fatigue that can creep up on us while paying bills, running around the same mountain, and forgetting to smell the roses.

I want to challenge you this holiday season, in all the hustle and chaos, to find your childlike enthusiasm. I want to encourage you to take a moment and get excited over what seems like the small things. I want to encourage you to shake off the world-weariness, and try to look at life like a child again. Don’t just go through the motions of life, but really live it. Remember He has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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