Church Unity 12/12/12

I have spoken about God Day on these blogs before now. But as I am sitting here typing this only two days away from the biggest most beautiful display of Church Unity and Compassion that I have ever seen. I am so excited to be a part of this movement. Over 100 churches have joined the movement to see 12,000 pairs of shoes put on fatherless children’s feet in downtown Orlando. In those 100 churches from all over the US, there are non-denominational churches, Spanish churches, Russian churches, Korean churches, Baptist churches, etc. On Wednesday not only will the shoes be given but there will be 12 hours of praise and prayer coming from the large arena at Lake Eola in Downtown Orlando. The current best guesstimate of people will be at least 52,000 people there. At the end of the day shofars will blast and a corporate worship service that will be held in several languages will echo through the streets of Orlando. I believe those echoes will also echo through the nation and onto the world. God Day and Shoes for Kids won’t stop here but has plans to go to various cities in the future.

Psalm 133:1 (ESV) Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

I have sat on planning meanings, I have prayed, donated shoes, and written various projects to help the movement. I am only a small part of the event, but I can’t help but sit back and see what God is doing and be almost overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. It has been an honor and privilege to be a part of one of the biggest moves in modern church history. I write and preach on unity regularly and to see what has been happening with God Day has been epic.

Being so close to the day, I know there is still need for everything to come together. I want to ask you to pray and/or donate towards the shoes. We know that God will provide, but if you are able consider going on the website and you can donate a pair of shoes. I realize especially this time of the year charities are always trying to make you donate. However, I’ve seen this ministry in action. I know the impact its making and I believe the ripple effect is greater than we have yet to realize.

Please pray about it. :-)

*Now as usual my family and I will be traveling over Christmas and I will be taking some time off from blogging between now and then. However before the New Year I will write a blog about what God is already speaking to me about 2013, “For 2013 will be a year of things manifesting that have yet to be seen”. Have a very happy and safe holiday season. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!


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