Still Looking For That Map!


I remember talking to my mother in my teen years about how I wished God would just give us some kind of map or statement, ‘Like so and so is who you’re supposed to marry, and this is what career path you’re supposed to choose, etc. etc.”  Here I am probably 20 years later and I have still yet to see that map. 

Don’t get me wrong, God always tells us what His plan for us is as we need to know.  Y’all should know me by now that Isaiah 30:21 is one of my favorite scriptures on the planet.

21 “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left

God will absolutely direct His people!  But often He doesn’t always fill in the gaps, doesn’t tell you the next step until you need it, and as Bill Hamon says, ‘is often stingy on the details’.  LOL!

As easy as it is to sometimes get frustrated in the place of seeking God for direction, I think we often fail to see the protection and direction in this.  I can think of many major life decisions that I’ve made, had I known the whole picture I wouldn’t have learned what I needed to learn to get me to the place God had for me in that moment.  Instead I’d have taken on the attitude that where I was in moment wasn’t my final destination, and would have submitted and committed myself to the process.  I would have failed the process thus I wouldn’t have been prepared for where God was taking me.

I think that often God doesn’t share with us everything because He also wants us to trust Him.  The choices you make in life are in fact your choices.  You can choose whether to be in the will of God or not.  It can be a challenge to make a choice on faith, walk on the water because you know that’s God’s will.  God wants you to trust Him beyond what you can see.  This is not some mind trip concept on His part.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  Faith is the currency of heaven.  He sees the full picture, and in order for you to get to the next step you have to act on what He’s saying. 

Seriously, if we had a map and knew everything where would the free will or fun in that be found?  Life is meant to be an adventure and lived.  God doesn’t want us to be robots.  Sure he has plans, sure we have to act upon them to get where He wants us to go, but he also wants us to live.  I think that we forget sometimes how much of a gift life is.  It is an honor and a privilege to wake up in the morning with breath in our lungs.  If we are here on this planet we have purpose! 

Do not loose heart in the journey.  God is for you.  He is not against you.  God sees the end from the beginning and He is excited about the potential He as placed on the inside of you.  God knows how hard you’ve struggled and he’s never left you.  Trust Him to lead you to the place He has prepared for you.

God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!


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