The Mountains Are Moving!
I don’t know if you’ve
figured it out yet or not, but God is in the mountain removal business. For some that are not familiar with the
terminology, I am not just talking about a physical mountain here; though
removing of a physical mountain is possible.
But I’m speaking of an obstacle; something that you can’t see around
that is blocking your vision of what is beyond it.
This morning in prayer
this scripture kept rising up in my spirit.
The mountains melt like wax
before the Lord, before the Lord of all the
That’s a pretty awesome image if you think about it,
but then as I meditated on it I began to think about the word of God. God’s power is on the inside of me. He told me that I could move mountains too,
and so can you!
He said to them, “Because of your
little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a
grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be
impossible for you.”
When we are on the verge of something God is doing
big in our lives how often it is that we go through some the hardest challenges
we’ve ever faced. I began to reflect on
all of this, and thought, ‘Well How does one melt wax?” They do it through heat. It’s not that God brings about ungodly things
in our lives. He doesn’t bring on
sickness, lack and poverty, but when the heat gets turned up in our lives we
should rejoice. We should know that the
mountains are melting. It should make us
excited to know that something is happening!
[ Testing of Your Faith ] Count it
all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
All of this heat, just means God is up to
something. So trust in him!
On a personal note this has been one of the hardest
seasons I have faced to date. There is a
whole list of things going on, and I don’t need to go into details publicly
until I have the testimony, but as I heard this idea roaming in my spirit today
I started to get excited. God is melting
the mountains for me, and I believe He is melting the mountains for you too! Trust Him!
Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!
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