The Divine Shifting of God


There are many going through a season right now where God is relocating and shifting them into new places and seasons.  It can be an exciting time, but it can also be a little scary and frustrating.  I think that many Christians live their lives in fear.  They are afraid of missing God and His will for their lives.  That fear becomes bondage, and isn’t from God. 

A dear friend of mine reminded me this week of a quote from one of my hero’s in the faith, Hank Kunneman.  He says that “God’s ability to talk to you is greater than your inability to hear”.  Meaning God will talk to you, and He will lead you.  You have to trust in that. 

As I look back on my life and I think of some of the wild divine stories he has orchestrated in my life, it gives me great courage to know that somehow despite all my questions and lack of a clear picture at times, God still got me right where I needed to go.  When you stay sensitive to God and trust Him, you have to trust that He will lead you right smack dab in the middle of His plan. 

Recently I got to hear another hero in the faith of mine preach.  Bill Hamon joked as he boldly declared that “God is sometimes stingy in the details.  When he told Abraham to go he went!”  I laugh about that because it’s so true.  God doesn’t always tell you everything you want to know, but he does give it to you as you need.  My super fabulous pastor yesterday in a ministry training class made a really good point.  He said, “That sometimes God waits to give you details because he wants to see how committed you are to His will.”  I think that was a really good point.  I’ve also learned that these crazy divine orchestrated stories also help produce faith and patience.  Consider them training grounds because it’s ‘patience that perfects our faith’ (James 1:4).

Whatever is going on in your life today, know that God is not surprised by your circumstances.  He has your life in His hands.  Trust Him in that.  Sure, you have to your part, but He wants you right in the middle of His will more than you do.  He’s not toying with you or playing with you.  He is right there with you, encouraging you, guiding you, and holding your hand while you cry.  He loves you, and though this season may feel uncomfortable, know He will never leave you nor forsake you.  (Hebrews 13:5)  Trust in that.  He has good plans for your life (Jer 29:11) and he will lead you which way to go (Isa 30:21).

God has awesome plans for your life.  Get excited!




  1. Thank you for your word! Even though you "know" things like this, it's still nice to hear someone else say it, which confirms it in your spirit. I can so relate to the things that God shows you...visions. Every time he gives me one, I can't help but think of the show "Doctor Who", and what one of his companions always used to "Spoilers"! So true. I know he gives those visions for hope but also for my future. And if those things were to manifest now..I'd screw it up...each in their own time. :) Thanks again!

  2. So glad you enjoyed it today! Yes, He is faithful. . .we all just gotta remember that! :-)

    Super Smiles!


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