
Showing posts from 2020

2021 The year of a singular vision

  2021 The year of a singular vision         Every year I tell myself I am not going to write a yearly blog about what I feel God is giving me for the next year, but yet I do.   I try really hard not to attach ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ on anything unless I'm sure it’s God.   I never want to use those words as a slogan or a tag line.   Every year I can see what God gave me and how it really does play out over the course of the year.   Of course it never plays out the way I thought, but always makes sense throughout the year.               I felt like God gave me the word for 2020 that it was about “clarity of vision”. As crazy as 2020 has been, I can definitely see that it has come to pass.     Sadly so many things about my own personal life have been made clear.   This political climate has certainly been eye opening.             Honestly this year I wasn’t getting much until a few weeks ago.   I really like the Word that Hank Kunneman has been declaring that 2021(won) is a decl

The Politicization of Common Sense and Morality; of course I'm voting for Trump

  The Politicization of Common Sense and Morality; of course I’m voting for Trump!             Many years ago I started writing a blog before the Presidential election to give a thought provoking and detailed reasoning as to who I was voting for and why.   When I looked at writing it this year, deep down I wanted to say, “Duh.” If any of you have been reading anything that I write for any length of time, you’ll know where I stand on this election.               While it’s always my desire to come across genuinely loving and to see both sides of the situation here, this time I know I will probably offend some.   While that isn’t my goal, the nation we live in is getting more and more divisive and the ‘middle ground’ has quickly disappeared.   I will state my opinion, and I realize not everyone will agree with it.   While I love people, I cannot condone the decline of morality and the destruction of common sense in our nation right now.   Recently I was watching an ‘Answers In Genesi

Warning: I will offend you!

WARNING This post will probably offend you! In my book ‘Cursing the Church or Helping it?’ There is a chapter entitled “Looking At Situations with Offense-Colored Glasses”. In that chapter I talk about how once you take on an offense with someone or something it’s as if everything they do will offend you. One starts easily then ‘inferring’ things in someone’s speech, post, and every move that the person makes and then gets offended at. It’s as if they study the individual  or individuals looking for new ways to get offended at them. It’s like the phrase going through life with ‘rose colored’ glasses on, but opposite. Everything is filtered through the offense and when that happens it’s as if every little thing can offend someone. The Bible assures us that offense will happen. People will have a difference of opinion and people will be coming at situations with different worldviews. Offense is a choice. You don’t have to go through life offended at people. Choosing to think t

The Golden Calf, Made out of Toilet Paper?

             All around the globe we are seeing the effects of the global pandemic.  I first want to lay a foundation here that as a believer Psalm 91 is very true.  When we abide in God, he takes care of us.  There is no reason for us to be in fear.  We are not like the unbelievers.  We have the security and hope in the truth of Christ Jesus.  I do not believe for one second that God brought this as judgement.  God gives good gifts to his children.                         It’s sad to see what people put their trust in, when they don’t have the foundation and stability of Christ Jesus.  In America, at this moment, there are a lot of people putting their faith in toilet paper.  I don’t get it.  Their rushing to the store and hoarding enough toilet paper to last them years. My own family was almost accosted by a grocery worker who had probably been working too hard.  When we tried to grab a pack.  It made for a really funny story, but it was kind of sad when  I thought about it t