I Had A Moment!

Last night I had this crazy nightmare and I’ll be honest I woke up in a bad mood. Dan and I were a little short with each other while getting around for church. I didn’t renew my mind. Then I had to go to church and serve in the nursery where I always joke that’s my form of birth control (I’ll totally admit my bad attitude regarding it, I’m working on it....it reminds me I’m not a candidate for the Dugger lifestyle as much as I do think the Duggars are cool) I came home only to continue my bad mood, cry, flesh out and throw a nasty fit. Dan and I got into a worse fight that I would say was 99.9% my fault. I had an all around bad morning that pretty much would have been averted had I woken up, praised the Lord, and renewed my mind. I’ve repented to God, Dan, and the girls. I’ve had a brownie so the chocolate fix has kicked in, and now I’m relaxing with a cup of my favorite Pomegranate Green Tea. While I always preach you need to control your emotions, you can’t let them control you….today I kind of missed that boat. I’m okay now. It is well.

I don’t want to ever come across as having the perfect kids, perfect marriage and perfect life. Strangely people misunderstand the life of the believer. I’m not perfect. I mess up sometimes. I say things I wish I could take back, and today had an attitude that stank. I often jokingly pray “Please God if my children ever feel the need to write a tell all book about me, don’t let them remember today.” Serving God doesn’t mean that your life will be void of issues. It just means that you’ll have the tools to stop what your doing, and soar over the issues. It means that you have the assurance of heaven, and know that you are not of this world even if you had a worldly morning.

Isaiah 40:31(NIV)
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Sometimes you may not feel like you have the strength to continue to do the things in your life that seem to bring you down. But that just simply isn’t true. God says if you would hope in the Lord you would mount up with wings and begin to soar.

Romans 3:23 (NIV)
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

We've all had moments that we aren’t proud of in life. But we have a choice. Are we going to stay in those moments or are we going to put our trust and hope in God and begin to soar like the overcomer we’ve been called to upon the earth.

Romans 8:31(NIV)
More Than Conquerors
31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Through Jesus we are more than conquerors. We are victorious. We are overcomers. As my dear late pastor, Dr. Watson from Marion Christian Center used to say, we are soarers. We are eagle Christians.

So if your morning, week, or year has been like mine was this morning, now is the time to rise up and soar over the issues of life. Take those negative thoughts captive and begin to hope in Christ Jesus. You have the victory! So fly with it!


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