In The Gymnastics Pit

Before I got into cheerleading tumbling, I was into gymnastics. At the same gym I went to for both there was what is called a pit. A gymnastics pit is typically a huge rectangle of foam. The dimensions vary but typically a gymnastics pit is about four feet of foam in depth. In the gym I went to they used one where it was put into the floor and was about even with the floor. The thought behind this piece of equipment was that you could practice a stunt, and while you were learning it you had a nice landing. But once you were in the pit movement wasn’t easy. It was kind of like being stuck in a huge pillow. It was awkward getting out of the pit, and it took a lot of effort. While that pit made the smallest of people feel cumbersome, it served a purpose. It’s purpose was to protect you in training so you wouldn’t get hurt.

Sometimes it feels in the kingdom of God as you mature that you can be in this pit. Deep down you desire to just get to the place where you can see yourself. But instead you’re still practicing in the pit. Frustration can set in, and instead of learning you can start building up bitterness for the fact you’re still practicing in the pit and it seems many are running out on the floor doing a perfect round off back handspring back tuck. You long to try all the things you’ve been practicing but instead you feel as if you’ve been grounded to the cumbersome pit. Deep down you’re not sure your learning anything.

1Peter 2:2 (AMP) 2Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation,

There are seasons of growth and maturity in the kingdom of God. While it might get frustrating when it appears others are passing you in their seasons, you have to realize there is a purpose for the pit. It’s to protect you. It’s to teach you in a safe environment how to do what God is training you for without you harming yourself or the people around you. If I tried to do a stunt on the floor before I was ready I could not only harm myself but I also could harm the person spotting me.

Philippians 1:6
Amplified Bible (AMP)
6And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.

God knows that it can get frustrating practicing in the pit over and over again. However He sees the end from the beginning and He sees you in those seasons of the pit, but He also sees you performing a perfect pass without the need of a spot. He sees you in your destiny, and that routine if learned right and practiced right will be exactly what He saw you doing all along.

Be encouraged. Training seasons are never wasted time. But they are critical to where He is calling you. They are for your benefit and those around you. Be encouraged that the season you are in, is a good thing and you will see the fullness. Visualize yourself in that place. See it in your mind. You won’t be in the pit forever. He is faithful. God has awesome plans for your life, so get excited!


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