Marshmallows Can't Be Substitued for Eggs

Some months ago my family was over at dear friends of ours home. The Ferguson’s are the founders of Voice of Freedom Ministries, and it is an honor to call them our friends. We were roasting marshmallow’s in the back yard when another friend kept talking on and on about gourmet chocolate. So Natasha decided she was going to make brownies out of a mix she had. However, she soon discovered as we all set down to play Monopoly the card game, there was a small issue. The issue was she was out of eggs and didn’t know about it and thus was going to have to abandon the thought of the chocolaty goodness of brownies.
What followed will probably go down in jokedom between the families for all time. Natasha tells me that if I write this blog I have to make it perfectly clear that she is a good cook. She is. The idea wasn’t hers, she just choose to listen to me.
We were brainstorming what you could substitute for eggs. I knew applesauce can sometimes be substituted. After several thoughts I said, “Well you have marshmallows. Those are sticky and would hold something together. Maybe you should try marshmallows.” After some debate back and forth the idea was hatched. Could marshmallows be substituted for eggs?
I can affirmatively answer no to that question. The brownies expanded like a helium balloon while they were in the oven. They didn‘t set, but turned into a tasty gloppy mess, which eventually we used as dip for pretzels. However as the glop hardened it was kind of reminiscent of hard tar on a road. Tasty hard tar but it was funny.
Many people find themselves trying to do the same thing with the word of God. They don’t really know what the word says so their trying to substitute what they think it says. Maybe their using ‘common sense’, the voice of a well known talk show, or old wives tales and they think those things are gospel. But it may not be the word. It may sound like a good idea, but you can’t substitute something else for the word it just won’t work.
Hosea 4:6a “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”
You can’t use ‘marshmallows’ to substitute ‘eggs’. It doesn’t really work in the natural and it certainly doesn’t really work in the spiritual. You have to study the word of God and find out what it really says on the matters of life.
Remember God has awesome plans for your life so get excited!
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