The Outdoor Chapel

I grew up going to a Lutheran Church in Waldo, Ohio. In Fulton, Ohio there is an outdoor camp. Lutheran Memorial Camp has such a tender place in my nostalgia of childhood. Though I only went to camp there a few times: we went there as a church about once a year, various times we attended the infamous apple butter festival, my sister went there, and I have been to a few conferences and gatherings there over the years.
Not far from the main building there is an outdoor chapel snuggled in the woods. I actually put a picture I was able to find online of it. It required some digging to find. Sadly, I don’t have one of my own. This chapel has such a special place in my heart. Why? I am not very sure. I can remember making my way out there to pray at various times I had been there. As you can see it is rustic and dirty but there has always been something I have loved about it. It was a place I could sneak away to and know I could have a moment with God.
It is easy to be caught up in the craziness of life. You do not need to find an outdoor chapel to have a moment with God. But it is important to find moments that you can sneak away from all the chaos of life. I myself can sometimes forget this in the midst of errand running, getting gum out of hair, texting, and pursing passions.
When Jesus was on the earth he was always trying to slip away from the disciples and his daily activities to have moments alone and in prayer.
Matthew 26:36[ Gethsemane ] Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
Mark 1:35[ Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place ] Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Luke 5:16But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Jesus understood the importance of finding quiet times before the Father. Jesus knew that in order for him to accomplish what He needed to do he had to find the time to slip away from the chaos.
I encourage you to find your own outdoor chapel. Find your own places where you can slip away and spend time with God. I may live clear across the country from Lutheran Memorial Camp, but Jesus lives on the inside of me. I can talk to my Father in heaven no matter where I am located. If you have asked Jesus in your heart, then you can too. Take the time to seek after God. I promise you, it is worth it.
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