Afghan Legacy

Down a small country road deep in the heart of Ohio where I grew up, we had the same next door neighbor for years. I was a young girl when she lived next to us. She had a small house trailer setting on her acre lot. Whenever I hear wind chimes I think of Dorothy because she had them all over her porch. Every year Dorothy would begin making an afghan at around the fall. As the cold nights began to set in the blanket would keep her warm as she worked on it with gusto. The time of the year could be measured by how big the blanket had grown on her lap. Then in the springtime she’d finish the afghan and give it to our family. We collected several blankets. I don’t remember when exactly Dorothy moved out of that little trailer beside us to go to a nursing home. I know she’s been gone for years, but her blankets are something we cherish. Since my sister and I moved out of my parents’ house, the collection of Afghans has gotten broken up. I took two when I moved out, I’m pretty sure my sister has two, and I know my parents still have some. Dorothy has been gone for years, but those blankets are still in use in my house on a daily basis. They are like cherished pieces of home to me that remind me no matter where in life God takes me, where my roots are on this earth. They go back to a little country road in the heart of Ohio.
Sadly few people realize that even the smallest things in life can create a lasting impression. Pastor Greg reminded our church on Wednesday the statistic “that even the most introverted person will affect 10,000 people in their lifetimes.” Our lives have ripple effects. Whether we realize it or not we’re affecting the world around us. On Saturday we had a memorial service for a dear man of God that passed from our church. This man was well known for his boldness in sharing his faith. I honestly had never met a person that won souls for the kingdom no matter where he went. George regularly evangelized to telemarketers when most of us would have quickly hung up on them. Maybe George’s passing has reminded me again of how important the legacy is that we’re leaving. Since your life has a ripple, what is your ripple saying?
James 4:14 (ESV) yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.
Even if we life a ripe old age of 120, those years would still be a vapor when compared to eternity. Our days are so short, and our eternities eternal. You have to continue to ask yourself what kind of legacy you are leaving on this earth. What is your ripple saying to the world? Will you be able to look at God one day and be able to tell him that you accomplished on this earth what He sent you to accomplish. You have a purpose. You have a destiny. Will you hear God proclaim over you, “Well done thou good and faithful servant?” (Matt 25:21) Too many people begin to think of these things on their death beds. I propose to you, life is too short to do that. God sent you hear for a purpose. What do you want you legacy to be on this earth? If you’re not going in the direction you know God called you to now, then I know for a fact God always accepts U-turns. Remember God has awesome plans for your life. Get excited!
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